Verifiable Multi-keyword Search Encryption Scheme with Attribute Revocation
Abstract:In recent years, searchable encryption technology and fine-grained access control attribute encryption is widely used in cloud storage environment. Considering that the existing searchable attribute-based encryption schemes have some flaws: It only support single-keyword search without attribute revocation. The single-keyword search may result in the waste of computing and broadband resources due to the partial retrieval from search results. A verifiable multi-keyword search encryption scheme that supports revocation of attributes is proposed. The scheme allows users to detect the correctness of cloud server search results while supporting the revocation of user attributes in a fine-grained access control structure without updating the key or re-encrypting the ciphertext during revocation stage. The aforementioned scheme is proved by the deterministic linearity hypothesis, and the relevant analysis results indicate that it can resist the attacks of keyword selection and the privacy of keywords in the random oracle model with high computational efficiency and storage effectiveness.
Key words:
- Searchable encryption /
- Attribute revocation /
- Multi-keyword search /
- Provable security
表 2 存储代价比较
方案 系统建立算法 密钥生成算法 加密算法 陷门生成算法 文献[6] $\left(4 + \sum\limits_{i = 1}^N {{n_i}} \right)|G| + \left(2 + \sum\limits_{i = 1}^N {{n_i}} \right)|{Z_p}|$ $(2N + 2)|G|$ $(2N + 2)|G|$ $(2N + 1)|G| + |{Z_p}|$ 文献[9] $9|G| + 5|{Z_p}|$ $|G| + |{Z_p}|$ $(5m + 2)|G|$ $(6l + 2)|G| + |M|$ 文献[12] $(3N + 2)|G| + (3N + 1)|{Z_p}|$ $(2N + 1)|G| + |{Z_p}|$ $(N + 2)|G|$ $(2N + 1)|G| + |{Z_p}|$ 本文方案 $7|G| + (|S| + 3)|{Z_p}|$ $(2|S| + 2)|G| + |{Z_p}|$ $(|S| + m + 2)|G|$ $(|S| + 4)|G|$ 表 3 计算代价比较
方案 系统建立算法 密钥生成算法 加密算法 陷门生成算法 搜索算法 验证算法 文献[6] $\left(2 + \sum\limits_{i = 1}^N {{n_i}} \right)E$ $(2N + 2)E$ $(2N + 2)E$ $(2N + 1)E$ $E + (2N + 1)P$ — 文献[9] $5E$ $E$ $(6m + 3)E$ $(15l + 3)E$ $(l + 1)E + (6l + 1)P$ — 文献[12] $\left(3N + 1\right)E + P$ $(2N + 3)E$ $(N + 2)E$ $(2N + 1)E$ $E + (N + 1)P$ — 本文方案 $3E$ $(2|S| + 2)E$ $(|S| + 3)E$ $(2|S| + 3)E$ $E + 3P$ $(\varphi + 1)E + 2P$ -
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