Distributed Firewall Policy Based on Traffic Engineering in Software Defined Network
Abstract:Firewall policy is defined as access control rules in Software Definition Network (SDN), and distributing these ACL (Access Control List) rules across the networks, it can improve the quality of service. In order to reduce the number of rules placed in the network, the Heuristic Algorithm of Rules Allocation (HARA) of rule multiplexing and merging is proposed in this paper. Considering TCAM storage space of commodity switches and connected link traffic load of endpoint switches, a mixed integer linear programming model which minimize the number of rules placed in the network is established, and the algorithm solves the rules placement problem of multiple routing unicast sessions of different throughputs. Compared with the nonRM-CP algorithms, simulations show that HARA can save 18% TCAM at most and reduce the bandwidth utilization rate of 13.1% at average.
表 1 多路由选取算法
算法1 多路由选取算法(MRSA) 输入:网络拓扑$G = (V,E)$,路由花销$w(i,j)$ ,单播会话集$K$ 输出:$\widetilde {{P}}_k$ (1) $\widetilde {{P}}_k,A,B \leftarrow \varnothing $, $\varOmega _{ab}^k \leftarrow \{ a,b\} $, ${\rm{inf}} \leftarrow \infty $, $n,m \leftarrow 0$ (2) for each single session $k \in K$ in $G(V,E)$ do (3) $A \leftarrow $ the nodes of connecting to $a$ (4) $B \leftarrow $ the nodes of connecting to $b$ (5) $\deg _a^{\rm{ + }},\deg _b^ - \leftarrow $ compute the degree of $a$ and $b$ in $G(V,E)$ (6) while $n \ne \deg _a^{\rm{ + }}$ in $G(V,E)$ do (7) $\widetilde {{P}}_k \leftarrow $ Dijkstra $(a,b)$ (8) $n \leftarrow $ count the number of node $a$ in $\widetilde {{P}}_k$ (9) the first link routing cost of previous candidate path in $G(V,E) \leftarrow {\rm{inf}}$ (10) end while (11) while $n \ne \deg _b^ - $ in $G(V,E)$ do (12) $n \leftarrow $ count the number of different nodes connecting to $b$ in $\widetilde {{P}}_k$ (13) $\widetilde {{P}}_k \leftarrow $ Dijkstra $(a,B) \cup \{ b\} $ (14) end while (15) $\deg_i^{\rm{ + }} \leftarrow $ compute the degree of $i$ from $A$ in $G(V,E)$ (16) while $m \ne \deg _i^{\rm{ + }}$ in $G(V,E)$ do (17) $m \leftarrow $ count the number of different nodes connecting $i$ in $\widetilde {{P}}_k$ (18) the second link routing cost of previous candidate path in$G(V,E)$ (19) $\widetilde {{P}}_k \leftarrow $ Dijkstra $(A,b) \cup \{ a\} $ (20) end while (21) end for (22) return $\widetilde {{P}}_k$ 表 2 分布式防火墙部署算法
算法2:分布式防火墙部署算法(DPAA) 输入:单播会话集$K$,会话集的吞吐量${d_k}$,候选路径集$\widetilde {{P}}_k$,规则子 集${R_k}$ 输出:规则数量${R_{\rm{all}}}$,带宽利用率${B_{\rm{use}}}$,路由花销${L_{\rm{cost}}}$ (1) ${R_{\rm{all}}},{B_{\rm{use}}},{L_{\rm{cost}}} \leftarrow {\rm{0}}$ (2) ${P_k} \leftarrow $ sort $\widetilde {{P}}_k$ from algorithm 1 into a two-dimension array (3) for each single session $k \in K$ in $G(V,E)$ do (4) for $p \in {P_k}$ do (5) ${B_{\min }} \leftarrow $ sort the minimum bandwidth of all paths (6) if $\sum\nolimits_{i \in V} {{r_u}} \le {C_i}$ and ${R_k} \subseteq {\forall _{i \in V}}\left\{ i \right\}$ do (7) if ${d_k} < {B_{{\rm{min}}}}$ do (8) ${l^p} \leftarrow 1$, $x_i^{up} \leftarrow 1$ (9) else (10) ${l^p} \leftarrow 1$, $l_{(i,j)}^p \leftarrow 1$, $x_i^u \leftarrow 1$, $x_i^{up} \leftarrow 1$ (11) end if (12) end if (13) end for (14) end for (15) for all nodes do (16) if each node satisfy $(12)$ do (17) $x_{ui}^m \leftarrow 1$ (18) end if (19) end for (20) return ${R_{\rm{all}}}$, ${B_{\rm{use}}}$, ${L_{\rm{cost}}}$ 表 3 不同场景下规则放置的节点及数量
场景选择的节点:规则数量 规则总
数量场景1 会话流A: 0: 7, 8: 7, 11: 6
会话流B: 2: 4, 7: 6, 8: 10[33, 40] 场景2 会话流A: 0: 7, 8: 7, 11: 6
会话流C: 3: 4, 4: 3, 6: 7, 8: 6[34, 40] -
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