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史久根 王继 张径 徐皓

史久根, 王继, 张径, 徐皓. 软件定义网络中基于流量管理的分布式防火墙策略[J]. 电子与信息学报, 2019, 41(1): 91-98. doi: 10.11999/JEIT180223
引用本文: 史久根, 王继, 张径, 徐皓. 软件定义网络中基于流量管理的分布式防火墙策略[J]. 电子与信息学报, 2019, 41(1): 91-98. doi: 10.11999/JEIT180223
Jiugen SHI, Ji WANG, Jing ZHANG, Hao XU. Distributed Firewall Policy Based on Traffic Engineering in Software Defined Network[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2019, 41(1): 91-98. doi: 10.11999/JEIT180223
Citation: Jiugen SHI, Ji WANG, Jing ZHANG, Hao XU. Distributed Firewall Policy Based on Traffic Engineering in Software Defined Network[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2019, 41(1): 91-98. doi: 10.11999/JEIT180223


doi: 10.11999/JEIT180223
基金项目: 国家重大科学仪器设备开发专项(2013YQ030595)






    王继 jiwang@mail.hfut.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: TP393

Distributed Firewall Policy Based on Traffic Engineering in Software Defined Network

Funds: The National Major Scientific Instruments Development Project (2013YQ030595)
  • 摘要:


  • 图  1  单播会话流场景1

    图  2  单播会话流场景2

    图  3  ACL规则数量对比

    图  4  选择的路径数对比

    图  5  带宽利用率对比

    图  6  路由花销对比

    表  1  多路由选取算法

    算法1 多路由选取算法(MRSA)
    输入:网络拓扑$G = (V,E)$,路由花销$w(i,j)$ ,单播会话集$K$
    输出:$\widetilde {{P}}_k$
    (1) $\widetilde {{P}}_k,A,B \leftarrow \varnothing $, $\varOmega _{ab}^k \leftarrow \{ a,b\} $, ${\rm{inf}} \leftarrow \infty $, $n,m \leftarrow 0$
    (2) for each single session $k \in K$ in $G(V,E)$ do
    (3)  $A \leftarrow $ the nodes of connecting to $a$
    (4)  $B \leftarrow $ the nodes of connecting to $b$
    (5)  $\deg _a^{\rm{ + }},\deg _b^ - \leftarrow $ compute the degree of $a$ and $b$ in $G(V,E)$
    (6)  while $n \ne \deg _a^{\rm{ + }}$ in $G(V,E)$ do
    (7)   $\widetilde {{P}}_k \leftarrow $ Dijkstra $(a,b)$
    (8)   $n \leftarrow $ count the number of node $a$ in $\widetilde {{P}}_k$
    (9)   the first link routing cost of previous candidate path in     $G(V,E) \leftarrow {\rm{inf}}$
    (10)  end while
    (11)  while $n \ne \deg _b^ - $ in $G(V,E)$ do
    (12)   $n \leftarrow $ count the number of different nodes connecting       to $b$ in $\widetilde {{P}}_k$
    (13)   $\widetilde {{P}}_k \leftarrow $ Dijkstra $(a,B) \cup \{ b\} $
    (14)  end while
    (15)  $\deg_i^{\rm{ + }} \leftarrow $ compute the degree of $i$ from $A$ in $G(V,E)$
    (16)  while $m \ne \deg _i^{\rm{ + }}$ in $G(V,E)$ do
    (17)   $m \leftarrow $ count the number of different nodes connecting $i$     in $\widetilde {{P}}_k$
    (18)   the second link routing cost of previous candidate path     in$G(V,E)$
    (19)   $\widetilde {{P}}_k \leftarrow $ Dijkstra $(A,b) \cup \{ a\} $
    (20)  end while
    (21) end for
    (22) return $\widetilde {{P}}_k$
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    表  2  分布式防火墙部署算法

    输入:单播会话集$K$,会话集的吞吐量${d_k}$,候选路径集$\widetilde {{P}}_k$,规则子    集${R_k}$
    (1) ${R_{\rm{all}}},{B_{\rm{use}}},{L_{\rm{cost}}} \leftarrow {\rm{0}}$
    (2) ${P_k} \leftarrow $ sort $\widetilde {{P}}_k$ from algorithm 1 into a two-dimension array
    (3) for each single session $k \in K$ in $G(V,E)$ do
    (4)  for $p \in {P_k}$ do
    (5)   ${B_{\min }} \leftarrow $ sort the minimum bandwidth of all paths
    (6)   if $\sum\nolimits_{i \in V} {{r_u}} \le {C_i}$ and ${R_k} \subseteq {\forall _{i \in V}}\left\{ i \right\}$ do
    (7)    if ${d_k} < {B_{{\rm{min}}}}$ do
    (8)     ${l^p} \leftarrow 1$, $x_i^{up} \leftarrow 1$
    (9)    else
    (10)     ${l^p} \leftarrow 1$, $l_{(i,j)}^p \leftarrow 1$, $x_i^u \leftarrow 1$, $x_i^{up} \leftarrow 1$
    (11)    end if
    (12)   end if
    (13)  end for
    (14) end for
    (15) for all nodes do
    (16)  if each node satisfy $(12)$ do
    (17)   $x_{ui}^m \leftarrow 1$
    (18)  end if
    (19) end for
    (20) return ${R_{\rm{all}}}$, ${B_{\rm{use}}}$, ${L_{\rm{cost}}}$
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    表  3  不同场景下规则放置的节点及数量

    场景1会话流A: 0: 7, 8: 7, 11: 6
    会话流B: 2: 4, 7: 6, 8: 10
    [33, 40]
    场景2会话流A: 0: 7, 8: 7, 11: 6
      会话流C: 3: 4, 4: 3, 6: 7, 8: 6
    [34, 40]
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