Improved No-reference Noisy Image Quality Assessment Based on Masking Effect and Gradient Information
Abstract:Heavy computational burden, or complex training procedure and poor universality caused by the manual setting of the fixed thresholds are the main issues associated with most of the noise image quality evaluation algorithms using domain transformation or machine learning. As an attempt for solution, an improved spatial noisy image quality evaluation algorithm based on the masking effect is presented. Firstly, according to the layer-layer progressive rule based on Hosaka principle, an image is divided into sub-blocks with different sizes that match the frequency distribution of its content, and a masking weight is assigned to each sub-block correspondingly. Then the noise in the image is detected through the pixel gradient information extraction, via a two-step strategy. Following that, the preliminary evaluation value is obtained by using the masking weights to weight the noise pollution index of all the sub-blocks. Finally, the correction and normalization are carried out to generate the whole image quality evaluation parameter——i.e. Modified No-Reference Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (MNRPSNR). Such an algorithm is tested on LIVE and TID2008 image quality assessment database, covering a variety of noise types. The results indicate that compared with the current mainstream evaluation algorithms, it has strong competitiveness, and also has the significant effects in improving the traditional algorithm. Moreover, the high degree of consistency to the human subjective feelings and the applicability to multiple noise types are well demonstrated.
表 1 数据库信息及实验使用子集
数据库 国家/机构 参考图像数量 主观评价指标 所选失真类型 损伤层级 LIVE 美国/德克萨斯州立大学 29 DMOS 白噪声(WN) 6 TID2008 乌克兰/国家航空航天大学
芬兰/坦佩雷理工大学25 MOS 加性高斯噪声(AGN) 5 颜色通道加性噪声(ANCC) 空间相关噪声(SCN) 掩蔽噪声(MN) 高频噪声(HFN) 脉冲噪声(IMN) 表 2 改进算法与不同检噪阈值下传统NRPSNR算法对monarch图像组评价结果
DMOS NRPSNR MNRPSNR Nth=10 Nth=50 Nth=100 图2(a1) 0.000000 58.35138 69.74312 79.08684 90.0779 图2(a2) 23.94275 50.45518 69.31391 79.51719 77.9929 图2(a3) 28.44905 47.50428 69.01371 79.70202 76.7756 图2(a4) 41.16959 39.03095 49.28878 65.95135 68.3129 图2(a5) 49.08675 36.47912 43.03078 52.72840 65.3847 图2(a6) 65.73029 33.06348 36.52051 41.17893 60.7793 表 3 MNRPSNR与相关算法特征及在LIVE数据库测试性能指标
算法名称 是否有参考图像 是否需要训练 是否需要域变换 性能指标 PLCC SROCC RMSE PSNR 是 否 否 0.9050 0.9010 8.4500 SSIM 是 否 否 0.9700 0.9690 3.9540 BIQI 否 是 小波 0.9538 0.9510 8.4094 LBIQ 否 是 小波 0.9761 0.9700 7.9100 DIIVINE 否 是 小波 0.9880 0.9840 4.3100 BLIINDS 否 是 离散余弦 0.9140 0.8900 11.2700 BLIINDS-II 否 是 离散余弦 0.9799 0.9691 N/A NIQE 否 是 否 0.9773 0.9662 N/A BRISQUE 否 是 否 0.9851 0.9786 N/A NRPSNR 否 否 否 0.8681 0.8900 10.9133 MNRPSNR 否 否 否 0.9745 0.9813 4.9369 表 4 TID2008数据库测试PLCC指标比对
VSNR IFC NQM UQI NRPSNR MNRPSNR AGN 0.7513 0.6147 0.7397 0.5407 0.6467 0.7922 ANCC 0.7489 0.5628 0.6935 0.4930 0.0402 0.7291 SCN 0.7700 0.6567 0.7757 0.5589 0.1624 0.5808 MN 0.7799 0.7309 0.7575 0.7515 0.7903 0.5164 HFN 0.8861 0.7199 0.9134 0.7059 0.9283 0.9005 IMN 0.6244 0.4950 0.7492 0.4829 0.6403 0.8214 表 5 TID2008数据库测试SROCC指标比对
VSNR IFC NQM UQI NRPSNR MNRPSNR AGN 0.7745 0.6204 0.7592 0.5335 0.6276 0.7900 ANCC 0.7725 0.5921 0.7200 0.4798 0.0869 0.7115 SCN 0.7860 0.6403 0.7910 0.5472 0.0491 0.5786 MN 0.7555 0.7374 0.7624 0.7292 0.8018 0.5214 HFN 0.8870 0.7488 0.8952 0.6863 0.9039 0.8852 IMN 0.6460 0.5378 0.7666 0.4951 0.6495 0.8300 表 6 TID2008数据库测试RMSE指标比对
VSNR IFC NQM UQI NRPSNR MNRPSNR AGN 0.4005 0.4783 0.4131 0.5112 0.4682 0.3746 ANCC 0.3646 0.4448 0.3942 0.4844 0.5594 0.3832 SCN 0.3878 0.4655 0.3924 0.5055 0.6134 0.5060 MN 0.3745 0.3844 0.3890 0.3955 0.3673 0.5133 HFN 0.4259 0.6069 0.3691 0.6671 0.3563 0.4161 IMN 0.4022 0.4366 0.3402 0.4483 0.3933 0.2948 表 7 MNRPSNR与相关算法在LIVE数据库上运行时间(s)
算法名称 DIIVINE BLIINDS-II NRPSNR MNRPSNR 平均单幅耗时 149 70 3.45 10.10 -
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