Orthogonal Opposition Based Firefly Algorithm
Abstract:Firefly Algorithm (FA) may suffer from the defect of low convergence accuracy depending on the complexity of the optimization problem. To overcome the drawback, a novel learning strategy named Orthogonal Opposition Based Learning (OOBL) is proposed and integrated into FA. In OOBL, first, the opposite is calculated by the centroid opposition, making full use of the population search experience and avoiding depending on the system of coordinates. Second, the orthogonal opposite candidate solutions are constructed by orthogonal experiment design, combining the useful information from the individual and its opposite. The proposed algorithm is tested on the standard benchmark suite and compared with some recently introduced FA variants. The experimental results verify the effectiveness of OOBL and show the outstanding convergence accuracy of the proposed algorithm on most of the test functions.
表 1 算法1:OOBL策略
输入:种群X,一个个体的索引ind和正交表L; 输出:新种群X。 步骤: (1) 根据式(5)计算当前种群重心G; (2) 根据式(6)计算指定个体的反向个体ox; (3) 根据式(7)更新群体边界;根据式(8)对ox进行边界检查; (4) for i=1: L的行数M (5) for j=1: 问题维数D (6) if L(i, j)==1 (7) oox(i, j)=X(ind, j); (8) else (9) oox(i, j)=ox( j); (10) end if (11) end for (12) end for (13) 评估正交反向候选解,评估次数FEs=FEs+M–1; (14) 从X和正交反向候选解中选出适应值最优的N个个体。 表 2 算法2:OOFA算法
输入:目标函数; 输出:全局最优位置及适应值。 步骤: (1) 随机初始化有N个个体的种群X; (2) 评估初始种群f(X),当前函数评估次数FEs=N; (3) 根据种群适应值排序; (4) 根据函数维数D,生成2水平D因素的正交表L; (5) while 未达迭代终止条件 (6) for i=1:N (7) for j=1: i (8) 根据式(1)和式(2),第i个个体向第j个个体移位; (9) end for (10) end for (11) 对种群进行边界检查; (12) 评估种群,函数评估次数FEs=FEs+N; (13) 随机选择群体中一个个体,执行OOBL; (14) 根据式(3)更新步长因子; (15) end while 表 3 FA与OOFA的比较结果
函数 FA OOFA 加速比R Mean SD FEs T (s) Mean SD FEs T (s) f1 5.16E+04 6.35E+03 80232 3.85 1.70E–10 8.44E–10 1091 0.03 73.54 f2 7.30E+08 2.15E+08 72314 3.82 3.39E+07 1.04E+07 1704 0.06 42.44 f3 4.74E+16 1.43E+17 16662 0.94 1.61E+09 8.63E+08 616 0.02 27.05 f4 9.36E+04 1.29E+04 37973 1.94 7.25E+04 1.22E+04 5669 0.17 6.70 f5 1.58E+04 3.90E+03 44544 2.25 1.06E+02 3.32E+01 1421 0.04 31.35 f6 8.71E+03 2.01E+03 36463 1.85 6.90E+01 2.47E+01 904 0.03 40.34 f7 1.08E+05 1.13E+05 32322 2.11 4.11E+01 1.12E+01 1082 0.05 29.87 f8 2.10E+01 5.29E–02 82741 4.87 2.10E+01 6.09E–02 85977 3.23 0.96 f9 4.28E+01 1.42E+00 64643 18.07 2.14E+01 4.18E+00 4178 1.08 15.47 f10 6.79E+03 1.12E+03 72373 3.95 1.67E+01 1.19E+01 1094 0.04 66.15 f11 8.38E+02 9.77E+01 52407 2.85 1.13E+01 3.35E+00 989 0.03 52.99 f12 8.43E+02 9.43E+01 56517 3.51 1.05E+02 3.38E+01 1133 0.05 49.88 f13 8.17E+02 9.91E+01 60595 3.89 8.64E+01 3.04E+01 1304 0.06 46.47 f14 8.10E+03 3.23E+02 80418 4.48 1.55E+03 5.45E+02 5359 0.19 15.01 f15 8.07E+03 3.59E+02 72859 4.24 4.41E+03 7.63E+02 5598 0.21 13.02 f16 3.19E+00 5.04E–01 57793 11.01 1.79E+00 5.38E–01 10998 1.86 5.25 f17 1.40E+03 1.91E+02 56622 2.95 4.09E+01 3.16E+00 1955 0.06 28.96 f18 1.44E+03 1.68E+02 52612 3.01 1.06E+02 2.98E+01 1484 0.05 35.45 f19 1.04E+06 4.38E+05 52422 2.75 3.34E+00 7.17E–01 1230 0.04 42.62 f20 1.50E+01 1.43E–05 8888 0.51 1.50E+01 3.14E–05 962 0.04 9.24 f21 3.57E+03 1.80E+02 64395 5.24 2.92E+02 2.75E+01 1901 0.12 33.87 f22 8.87E+03 3.07E+02 61069 4.75 1.91E+03 1.25E+03 4629 0.27 13.19 f23 9.05E+03 4.02E+02 49134 4.21 5.61E+03 1.21E+03 4437 0.29 11.07 f24 4.15E+02 2.78E+01 32295 10.01 2.17E+02 6.37E+00 652 0.19 49.53 f25 4.09E+02 1.66E+01 44404 13.74 2.70E+02 1.38E+01 728 0.21 60.99 f26 3.08E+02 4.83E+01 64359 20.94 2.95E+02 2.03E+01 41667 12.63 1.54 f27 1.64E+03 5.93E+01 32762 10.50 4.51E+02 6.27E+01 955 0.29 34.31 f28 6.25E+03 5.82E+02 48551 4.94 3.00E+02 6.06E–03 1499 0.12 32.39 表 4 各FA变种算法结果的比较(Mean±SD)
函数 MFA VSSFA OFA RaFA ODFA OOFA f1 3.58E+04±5.83E+03 3.45E+04±4.31E+03 2.42E+04±5.28E+03 4.03E+02±7.35E+02 1.32E+04±5.63E+03 1.70E–10±8.44E–10 f2 5.03E+08±1.67E+08 3.73E+08±7.44E+07 3.34E+08±1.65E+08 3.71E+07±2.17E+07 2.19E+08±8.17E+07 3.39E+07±1.04E+07 f3 1.47E+15±2.87E+15 1.68E+13±2.15E+13 2.01E+14±5.77E+14 2.62E+10±1.55E+10 6.04E+14±2.98E+15 1.61E+09±8.63E+08 f4 9.27E+04±1.08E+04 8.04E+04±8.81E+03 8.68E+04±1.27E+04 1.04E+05±3.33E+04 8.21E+04±2.27E+04 7.25E+04±1.22E+04 f5 9.85E+03±4.47E+03 8.56E+03±1.64E+03 5.70E+03±1.94E+03 4.99E+02±1.01E+03 1.14E+03±6.20E+02 1.06E+02±3.32E+01 f6 5.84E+03±1.72E+03 4.49E+03±5.99E+02 3.48E+03±1.19E+03 1.71E+02±7.17E+01 1.64E+03±1.07E+03 6.90E+01±2.47E+01 f7 2.52E+04±2.64E+04 2.61E+03±1.28E+03 6.42E+03±1.09E+04 3.03E+04±4.31E+04 2.40E+04±5.81E+04 4.11E+01±1.12E+01 f8 2.10E+01±6.57E–02 2.10E+01±5.85E–02 2.10E+01±6.54E–02 2.11E+01±5.93E–02 2.10E+01±5.39E–02 2.10E+01±6.09E–02 f9 4.16E+01±1.81E+00 4.05E+01±9.64E–01 3.83E+01±3.17E+00 3.96E+01±2.48E+00 3.72E+01±3.35E+00 2.14E+01±4.18E+00 f10 5.14E+03±1.10E+03 4.59E+03±5.23E+02 3.29E+03±8.44E+02 1.49E+02±1.23E+02 1.97E+03±9.37E+02 1.67E+01±1.19E+01 f11 6.54E+02±1.11E+02 6.50E+02±4.33E+01 4.60E+02±9.00E+01 1.52E+02±5.41E+01 4.65E+02±9.63E+01 1.13E+01±3.35E+00 f12 7.40E+02±8.81E+01 6.52E+02±4.22E+01 5.13E+02±9.01E+01 8.69E+02±1.54E+02 6.73E+02±1.39E+02 1.05E+02±3.38E+01 f13 7.42E+02±9.14E+01 6.50E+02±5.49E+01 5.48E+02±7.61E+01 8.81E+02±1.31E+02 6.86E+02±9.57E+01 8.64E+01±3.04E+01 f14 7.44E+03±4.96E+02 7.66E+03±2.56E+02 5.83E+03±6.32E+02 1.62E+03±3.60E+02 7.27E+03±6.99E+02 1.55E+03±5.45E+02 f15 7.56E+03±5.92E+02 7.65E+03±3.13E+02 5.72E+03±7.14E+02 4.89E+03±1.01E+03 7.26E+03±4.44E+02 4.41E+03±7.63E+02 f16 2.70E+00±4.78E–01 2.76E+00±3.05E–01 1.47E+00±4.45E–01 1.95E+00±5.61E–01 2.46E+00±4.73E–01 1.79E+00±5.38E–01 f17 1.26E+03±1.41E+02 1.18E+03±8.23E+01 6.52E+02±1.04E+02 9.87E+01±4.59E+01 8.98E+02±1.68E+02 4.09E+01±3.16E+00 f18 1.28E+03±2.00E+02 1.16E+03±9.17E+01 7.18E+02±1.52E+02 1.55E+03±2.47E+02 1.03E+03±1.92E+02 1.06E+02±2.98E+01 f19 2.75E+05±2.01E+05 2.39E+05±6.70E+04 5.00E+04±3.86E+04 7.96E+01±1.68E+02 2.68E+04±5.41E+04 3.34E+00±7.17E–01 f20 1.50E+01±3.72E–02 1.50E+01±2.29E–02 1.50E+01±6.32E–08 1.49E+01±1.78E–01 1.37E+01±8.18E–01 1.50E+01±3.14E–05 f21 3.03E+03±2.98E+02 3.10E+03±1.43E+02 2.47E+03±1.64E+02 4.57E+02±1.71E+02 2.16E+03±3.59E+02 2.92E+02±2.75E+01 f22 8.43E+03±4.74E+02 8.29E+03±2.74E+02 6.77E+03±1.01E+03 2.07E+03±5.70E+02 7.63E+03±9.75E+02 1.91E+03±1.25E+03 f23 8.16E+03±4.96E+02 8.28E+03±2.43E+02 6.82E+03±8.01E+02 6.38E+03±9.46E+02 7.58E+03±6.23E+02 5.61E+03±1.21E+03 f24 3.83E+02±2.26E+01 3.57E+02±8.70E+00 3.45E+02±1.59E+01 3.69E+02±2.90E+01 3.48E+02±1.61E+01 2.17E+02±6.37E+00 f25 4.02E+02±1.31E+01 3.76E+02±6.32E+00 3.85E+02±1.81E+01 3.94E+02±1.78E+01 3.74E+02±1.73E+01 2.70E+02±1.38E+01 f26 2.73E+02±4.82E+01 2.50E+02±1.53E+01 2.62E+02±5.77E+01 3.31E+02±1.08E+02 3.04E+02±9.55E+01 2.95E+02±2.03E+01 f27 1.56E+03±6.16E+01 1.47E+03±3.89E+01 1.41E+03±4.78E+01 1.60E+03±1.07E+02 1.46E+03±9.06E+01 4.51E+02±6.27E+01 f28 5.60E+03±5.24E+02 4.96E+03±2.87E+02 4.56E+03±5.53E+02 6.00E+03±1.08E+03 4.45E+03±6.04E+02 3.00E+02±6.06E–03 –/≈/+ 25/2/1 25/2/1 24/2/2 27/0/1 26/1/1 — P-value 1.18E–5 1.18E–5 1.33E–5 4.46E–6 7.03E–6 — Friedman 5.30 4.30 3.13 3.61 3.32 1.34 -
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