Adaptive Affine Propagation Clustering Algorithm for WiFi Indoor Positioning
摘要: 在室内覆盖的大量的WiFi信号可以用来室内定位。尽管很多WiFi室内定位技术被提出,但其定位精度仍然未达到实际应用的需求。针对这个问题,该文提出一种自适应仿射传播聚类(AAPC)算法用以提高WiFi指纹的聚类质量,从而提高定位精度。AAPC算法通过动态调整参数生成不同的聚类结果,然后采用聚类有效性指标筛选出其中最佳的。采集大量真实环境数据进行试验,试验结果表明采用AAPC算法产生的聚类结果具有更高的定位精度。Abstract: There are a large number of indoor WiFi signals which can be used for indoor positioning. Although many WiFi indoor positioning technology is proposed, it's positioning accuracy still does not meet the actual application requirements. For this problem, an Adaptive Affinity Propagation Clustering (AAPC) algorithm is proposed to improve the clustering quality of WiFi fingerprint, thus improving the positioning accuracy. The AAPC algorithm generates different clustering results by dynamically adjusting parameters, then cluster validity indices are used to select the best ones. A large number of real environmental data are collected and tested. The experimental results show that the clustering results generated by AAPC algorithm have higher positioning accuracy.
表 1 UCI数据集
数据集 类型 样本数 属性个数 类数 iris real 150 4 3 air real 359 64 3 sonar real 208 60 2 glass real 214 9 6 wine real 178 12 3 heart real 270 13 2 zoo artificial 101 16 7 ionosphere real 351 34 2 vote artificial 435 16 2 vowel real 528 10 11 diabetes real 768 8 2 表 2 3种算法的对比结果
数据集 是否收敛 聚类数 真实 时间(s) A B C A B C A B C iris √ √ √ 2 2 2 3 44.6 15.0 1.0 air √ × √ 2 × 2 3 275.6 × 8.4 sonar √ × √ 3 × 3 2 96 × 2.5 glass √ × √ 4 × 5 6 133 × 6.7 wine √ √ √ 2 2 2 3 53.9 32 1.7 heart √ × √ 2 × 3 2 146.6 × 5.3 zoo √ × √ 6 × 4 7 48.1 × 0.9 ionosphere × × √ × × 4 2 × × 0.8 vote √ × √ 2 × 2 2 767.6 × 34.7 vowel √ × √ 22 75 18 11 774.4 576.6 36.9 diabetes √ × √ 2 × 2 2 1670 × 105.5 -
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