Detection of Sound Event under Low SNR Using Multi-band Power Distribution
摘要: 该文针对低信噪比噪声环境下的声音事件检测问题,提出基于多频带能量分布图离散余弦变换的声音事件检测的方法。首先,将声音数据转化为gammatone频谱,并计算其多频带能量分布;接着,对多频带能量分布图进行8×8分块与离散余弦变换;然后,对8×8的离散余弦变换系数进行Zigzag扫描,抽取离散余弦变换系数的主要系数作为声音事件的特征;最后,利用随机森林分类器对特征建模与检测。实验结果表明,在低信噪比及各种噪声环境下,该文提出的方法具有良好的检测效果。Abstract: As to the problem of sound event detection in low Signal-Noise-Ratio (SNR) noise environments, a method is proposed based on discrete cosine transform coefficients extracted from multi-band power distribution image. First, by using gammatone spectrogram analysis, sound signal is transformed into multi-band power distribution image. Next, 8×8 size blocking and discrete cosine transform are applied to analyze the multi-band power distribution image. Based on the main Zigzag coefficients which are scanned from the discrete cosine transform coefficients, features of sound event are constructed. Finally, features are modeled and detected through random forests classifier. The results show that the proposed method achieves a better detection performance in low SNR comparing to other methods.
表 1 MBPD-DCTZ特征的交叉验证结果(%)
信噪比(dB) 噪声环境 流水 粉噪声 风声 海浪 公路 雨声 平均 –10 40.0±0.7 65.7±5.1 32.5±3.8 44.7±0.9 52.6±3.8 36.5±3.2 45.3±11.1 –5 86.1±3.4 91.1±1.7 87.0±3.2 82.9±1.9 91.2±2.1 84.7±2.5 87.2±3.1 0 91.7±1.9 91.8±1.9 92.3±1.9 91.6±1.4 92.01±2.2 91.5±1.9 91.8±0.3 5 91.9±1.9 92.2±1.9 92.1±2.3 92.2±1.8 92.3±2.1 92.0±1.9 92.1±0.1 表 3 不同特征对办公室声音事件的检测率(%)
特征 办公室声音事件 粉噪声信噪比(dB) 5 0 –5 LBP 69.7±2.3 70.9±5.1 35.2±0.9 16.4±2.6 GLCM-SDH 47.3±5.4 44.2±7.5 45.5±5.4 38.8±4.8 HOG 70.3±5.2 40.6±4.8 33.9±3.1 32.1±2.3 MFCC 43.7±0.7 27.2±4.7 22.1±4.5 17.6±3.4 PNCC 47.2±1.9 34.3±2.0 28.1±2.3 22.1±1.8 MBPD-DCTZ 75.2±0.6 75.2±1.7 75.8±4.3 54.6±5.4 表 2 6种噪声环境下不同特征对动物声音事件的平均检测率(%)
特征 信噪比(dB) 5 0 –5 –10 LBP 64.3±14.3 16.6±10.5 2.8±0.8 2.4±0.9 GLCM-SDH 41.4±3.5 36.0±4.3 14.6±9.5 4.2±1.7 HOG 68.9±5.4 28.8±10.5 7.4±5.2 4.1±1.8 MFCC 17.5±4.8 9.5±2.5 4.7±0.7 3.0±0.8 PNCC 28.0±0.9 20.0±0.9 9.1±2.0 2.5±0.8 MBPD-DCTZ 92.1±0.1 91.8±0.3 87.2±3.1 45.3±11.1 表 4 6种噪声环境下不同方法对动物声音事件的平均检测率(%)
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