Achievable Rate Analysis on Massive MIMO-OFDM Systems with Low-resolution ADC
摘要: 该文针对大规模MIMO-OFDM系统,研究当基站端仅配备低精度模数转换器且采用最大比合并(MRC)接收算法时系统中用户可达速率的性能。通过采用加性量化噪声模型(AQNM)将非线性量化函数转化为线性量化函数,首先推导得出用户上行可达速率的闭式表达式。然后基于此表达式,将具备低精度模数转换器系统与传统具有无穷精度的模数转换器系统性能进行分析比较。最后将该文所得到的结果进行仿真分析。同时,该文还指出通过增加基站端天线数目可以弥补由于低精度模数转换器所造成的系统性能的损失。Abstract: The achievable rate performance for the massive MIMO-OFDM system is investigated, where each antenna is equipped with low-resolution Analog-to-Digital Converters (ADC) and the Maximum Ratio Combining (MRC) receiver is assumed to be employed. The closed-form expression for the uplink achievable rate is firstly derived by using the Additive Quantization Noise Model (AQNM) model, which reforms the nonlinear quantization function into a linear one. Then the performance between the low-resolution quantization system and the conventional system with infinite resolution ADCs is compared based on the derived closed-form expression. Simulation results are presented to verify the analytical results. In addition, it is illustrated that the performance loss of using low-resolution ADCs can be compensated for by deploying more antennas at the base station.
表 1 量化精度
${b}$ 对应的${ρ} $ 值b 1 2 3 4 5 $\rho $ 0.363400 0.117500 0.034540 0.009497 0.002499 -
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