Dynamic Routing and Spectrum Assignment Algorithm Based on Differentiated Degraded-service and Adaptive Modulation in Elastic Optical Networks
Abstract:Oriented to the high-rapid development of Internet applications, new challenges are encountered by the conventional Routing and Spectrum Assignment (RSA). A new direction for the blocking rate reduction and the Quality of Experience (QoE) assurance is provided to the Elastic Optical Network (EON) integrated by Degraded Service (DS) technology. Due to the inefficiency of spectrum resources and the revenue decline caused by DS, a Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) model is proposed with a joint objective that minimizes both spectrum consumption and the priorities and DS frequency of online services. A dynamic RSA algorithm based on differentiated DS and adaptive modulation is proposed, which considers service-priority differentiation, the adaptive modulation and DS technology. Meanwhile, DS loss function and DS window selection strategy are designed to differentiate service levels, and ideal spectrum location and resource are assigned for the impending blocked services. The network revenue function considering the relationship between spectrum and revenue balance is designed to achieve efficient utilization of spectrum resources, reduce the impact of degradation, and enhance network revenue. The simulation results verify the advantages of the proposed algorithm in terms of blocking rate, network profit, etc.
表 1 DRSA-DDAM算法伪代码
算法 DRSA-DDAM 输入: $\psi $, $G(N, E, C)$.
输出: blocking rate, average slot/demand, net profit.
(1) for $\psi \ne \varnothing $ do
(2) $r \leftarrow \psi $. top(), block_num$ \leftarrow $0, slot_num$ \leftarrow $0,
success_num$ \leftarrow $0;
(3) $G \leftarrow G$ updated according to ${\left[ {U_k^r} \right]_{H \times \left| C \right|}}$ in Eq. 14;
(4) ${P_K} = \{ {p_k}\} \leftarrow K - {\rm{Shortest}}(G, r)$ and Eq. 13;
(5) if ${P_K} \!\ne\! \varnothing $ then ${\left[ {S_k^r} \right]_{1 \times \left| C \right|}} \leftarrow \{ {\left[ {U_k^r} \right]_{H \times \left| C \right|}}$ according to Eq. 15};
(6) for $\forall {p_k} \in {P_K}$ do search $B_{b, e}^k$ in ${p_k}$; $\varTheta .{\rm{push}}(B_{b, e}^k)$;
(7) end for
(8) end if
(9) if $\varTheta \ne \varnothing $ then
(10) for $\forall B_{b, e}^k \!\in\! \varTheta $ do $v_{b, e}^k \leftarrow $Eq. 17($B_{b, e}^k$), $\tau _{b, e}^k \leftarrow $Eq. 18($v_{b, e}^k$);
(11) end for
(12) else if $\varTheta = \varnothing $ then block $r$, block_num++; $\psi .$ pop();
(13) end if
(14) $\varTheta \leftarrow \big\{ \varTheta , {\rm{descending\; order}}, \big({M_k}, \tau _{b, e}^k\big)\big\} $;
(15) if $\varTheta .{\rm{top}}().\tau _{b, e}^k \le 0$ then
(16) Serve-win$ \leftarrow $position[$\varTheta $. top()]; allocate resource to r;
(17) slot_num+= r. allocate(slot), success_num++;
(18) net profit+= r. profit; $\psi .$ pop(), break;
(19) else if $\varTheta .{\rm{top}}().\tau _{b, e}^k > 0$ then
(20) for $\forall B_{b, e}^k \in \varTheta $ do
(21) compare ${o_{r'}}$ for $r'$ in $\Big[b \!-\! \tau _{b, e}^k, b\Big) \!\cup\! \Big(e, e \!+\! \tau _{b, e}^k\Big]$ with ${o_r}$;
(22) if each ${o_{r'}} \ge {o_r}$ then remove $B_{b, e}^k$ from $\varTheta $; continue;
(23) else then calculate $\tau _{b, e}^{l, h}$ and $\tau _{b, e}^{r, h}$ of each h$ \in \{ {p_k}\} $;
(24) end if
(25) $\tau _{b, e}^l \leftarrow $Eq. 20 and $\tau _{b, e}^r \leftarrow $Eq. 21; $\gamma \leftarrow $Eq. 22$\left(\tau _{b, e}^l\right.$, $\left.\tau _{b, e}^r\right)$;
(26) end for
(27) if $\gamma \ne \varnothing $ then
(28) for $\forall B_{b, e}^k \in \gamma $ do $w_ {\rm{sum}}^{B_{b, e}^k} \leftarrow ${Eq. 23 and Eq. 24};
(29) end for
(30) ${w_{\min }} \leftarrow $Eq. 25($\gamma $); DS-win$ \leftarrow $place\Big[$B_{b, e}^k({w_{\min }})\Big]$;
(31) DS($r'$) for r; allocate resource for $r$;
net profit+=$r$. profit;
(32) slot_num+= $r$. allocate(slot), success_num++;
(33) else then block $r$, block_num++; break;
(34) end if
(35) end if
(36) end for
(37) return blocking rate$ \leftarrow $block_num/$\left| \psi \right|$, net profit and
average slot/demand$ \leftarrow $slot_num/success_num;表 2 调制模式与数据率和传输距离的关系
调制模式 BPSK QPSK 8QAM 16QAM 调制等级 2 4 8 16 Bit/符号 1 2 3 4 频谱槽带宽(GHz) 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 数据率(Gbps) 12.5 25.0 37.5 50.0 传输距离(km) 9600 4800 2400 1200 -
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