ARMA-prediction Based Online Adaptive Dynamic Resource Allocation in Wireless Virtualized Networks
Abstract:In order to solve the unreasonable virtual resource allocation caused by the uncertainty of service and delay of information feedback in wireless virtualized networks, an online adaptive virtual resource allocation algorithm proposed based on Auto Regressive Moving Average (ARMA) prediction. Firstly, a cost of virtual networks minimization is studied by jointly allocating the time-frequency resources and buffer space, while guaranteeing the overflow probability of each virtual network. Secondly, considering the different demand of virtual networks to different resources, a resource dynamic scheduling mechanism designed with multiple time scales, in which the reservation strategy of buffer space is realized based on the ARMA’s prediction information in slow time scale and the virtual networks are sorted according to the overflow probability derived by the large deviation principle and dynamically schedules the time-frequency resources in fast time scale, so as to meet the service demand. Simulation results show that the algorithm can effectively reduce the bit loss rate and improve the utilization of physical resources.
表 1 算法1:时频资源动态调度算法
(1) 在短周期$t$上观察当前各虚拟网络队列状态${Q_k} \left( t \right)$、预留的 缓存资源大小${B_k} $ (2) for $k = 1;k < K;k + + $ do (3) 计算${a_k} $,根据式(22)估计${{\widehat m}_k} $ (4) if ${{\widehat m}_k} \ge {a_k} $ then (5) 加入虚拟网络集合${{K}}_1 $,根据式(24)估计溢出剩余时间${T_k} $ (6) else (7) 加入虚拟网络集合${{K}}_2 $,执行黄金分割搜索算法估计 ${P_{\rm of}^k} \left( {t{\rm{ + }}T} \right)$ (8) end if (9) end for (10) while ${{K}}_1 \ne \varnothing $ do (11) 令$m = 1$,选择虚拟网络$k = {\arg \min }_{k \in {{K}}_1 } \left\{ {{T_k} } \right\}$ (12) while ${A_k} \left( t \right) > {C_k} \left( t \right)$ do
(13) $\begin{aligned} & m \leftarrow m + 1,{C_k} \left( t \right) \leftarrow mr, \\ &N \leftarrow N - 1 \\ \end{aligned} $(14) end while (15) ${{K}}_1 = {{K}}_1 \backslash \left\{ k \right\}$ (16) end while (17) while ${{K}}_2 \ne \varnothing$ do
(18) 令$m = 1$,选择虚拟网络${k^*} = {\arg \max }_{{k^*} \in {{K}_2}} \left\{ {P_{\rm of}^{{k^*}}\left( {t{\rm{ + }}T} \right) - {\varepsilon _{{k^*}}}} \right\}$(19) 重复步骤(12)—步骤(14) (20) ${{K}}_2 = {{K}}_2 \backslash \left\{ {k^ * } \right\}$ (21) end while (22) if $N \ne 0$ then (23) for $k = 1;k < K;k + + $ do (24) if ${C_k} \left( t \right) < \left({Q_k} \left( t \right) + {A_k} \left( t \right)\right)$ then (25) 加入虚拟网络集合${{K}}_3 $ (26) end if (27) end for (28) while ${{K}}_3 \ne \varnothing $ and $N \ne 0$
(29) 令$m = 1$,选择虚拟$k^{''} = {\arg \min }_{k^{''} \in {{K}}_3 } \left\{ {\alpha _{{k^{''}}}} \right\}$(30) $ {{while}} \quad \left({Q_{{k^{''}}}} \left( t \right) + {A_{{k^{''}}}} \left( t \right)\right) > \left({{\bar C}_{{k^{''}}}} \left( t \right) + {C_{{k^{''}}}} \left( t \right)\right)\quad {{do}} $ (31) $m \leftarrow m + 1,{{\bar C}_{{k^{''}}}} \left( t \right) \leftarrow mr,N \leftarrow N - 1$ (32) end while
(33) ${{K}}_3 = {{K}}_3 \backslash \left\{ {k^{''} } \right\}$(34) end while (35) end if 表 2 仿真参数设置
仿真参数 仿真值 虚拟网络数量 2,3,4,5,6 系统带宽 10 MHz (50 RBs) 短周期时长 1 ms 长周期时长 300 ms 负载到达过程 泊松分布 比特到达速率 $\lambda = 58.7\ {\rm kbit} $/ms RB单价$\alpha $ 1.2, 2.0, 1.5 unit/RB 缓存资源单价$\rho $ 8, 6, 4 unit/kbit 队列上溢概率$\varepsilon $ 0.13, 0.05, 0.12 滑动窗口大小${T_w} $ 60 ms 平滑指数$\eta $ 0.7 仿真时间 6600 ms -
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