Anti-interrupted Sampling Repeater Jamming Waveform Design Method
摘要: 间歇采样转发干扰是一种先进的密集假目标干扰技术,该技术基于“欠采样”原理对雷达信号进行低速率间歇采样处理,具有干扰快速响应、抗捷变能力强等优点,能够使雷达无法检测真实目标,甚至使信号处理系统过载。该文针对间歇采样转发干扰样式,基于模糊函数理论,首先设计了一种抑制该干扰的特殊雷达工作波形,即“稀疏多普勒敏感波形”,这种波形通过破坏干扰信号多普勒频率上的输出连续性实现对干扰信号的抑制;然后,基于该波形在时域上的等间隔副瓣特性,提出一种时域上的“滑窗抽取检测”方法,在抗干扰的同时实现目标检测;最后,理论分析和仿真实验验证了该设计波形的干扰抑制有效性,以及“滑窗抽取检测”方法在干扰背景下的良好目标检测性能。Abstract: Interrupted Sampling Repeater Jamming (ISRJ) is an advanced intensive false-target jamming with the advantages of fast interference response, anti-agile ability and so on. The radar signal is intermittently sampled with low-rate based on the principle of the under-sampling method, so that the radar can not detect the real targets and the jamming may overload the signal processing system. This article mainly focuses on the Interrupted Sampling Repeater Jamming. A sensitive Doppler sparse waveform is designed based on the ambiguity function theory to suppress the interference, which destroys the continuity of the interference signal output on different Doppler and suppresses the output of the intensive interference. Based on the analysis of the equivalent interval sidelobe, a method of sliding window extraction detection is proposed to achieve effective target detection while anti-jamming. Theoretical analysis and simulation experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the interference suppression and the target detection performance in the interference.
表 1 仿真实验参数
参数 实验值 参数 实验值 脉冲宽度T 100 μs 信号带宽B 1 MHz 干扰采样周期 ${T_J}$ 20 μs 占空比 0.2 采样频率 ${f_s}$ 2 MHz 采样点数 200 -
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