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黄海 冯新新 刘红雨 厚娇 赵玉迎 尹莉莉 姜久兴

黄海, 冯新新, 刘红雨, 厚娇, 赵玉迎, 尹莉莉, 姜久兴. 基于随机加法链的高级加密标准抗侧信道攻击对策[J]. 电子与信息学报, 2019, 41(2): 348-354. doi: 10.11999/JEIT171211
引用本文: 黄海, 冯新新, 刘红雨, 厚娇, 赵玉迎, 尹莉莉, 姜久兴. 基于随机加法链的高级加密标准抗侧信道攻击对策[J]. 电子与信息学报, 2019, 41(2): 348-354. doi: 10.11999/JEIT171211
Hai HUANG, Xinxin FENG, Hongyu LIU, Jiao HOU, Yuying ZHAO, Lili YIN, Jiuxing JIANG. Random Addition-chain Based Countermeasure Against Side-channel Attack for Advanced Encryption Standard[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2019, 41(2): 348-354. doi: 10.11999/JEIT171211
Citation: Hai HUANG, Xinxin FENG, Hongyu LIU, Jiao HOU, Yuying ZHAO, Lili YIN, Jiuxing JIANG. Random Addition-chain Based Countermeasure Against Side-channel Attack for Advanced Encryption Standard[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2019, 41(2): 348-354. doi: 10.11999/JEIT171211


doi: 10.11999/JEIT171211
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(61604050, 51672062)









    黄海 ic@hrbust.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: TP309.7

Random Addition-chain Based Countermeasure Against Side-channel Attack for Advanced Encryption Standard

Funds: The National Natural Science Foundation of China (61604050, 51672062)
  • 摘要:


  • 图  1  最短加法链问题的状态空间树

    图  2  一轮的字节替换

    图  3  加密算法仿真结果

    图  4  乱序调用加法链的版图

    表  1  16条不同功耗特性的加法链

    (9)1→2→4→8→16→32→40→42→43→84→ 127→254
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    表  2  随机数生成算法

     (2)int i,j,temp
     (3)for i from 16 to 1 do /*i 从16递减到1 */
     (4)j=rand()%(i+1) /*生成0~i的随机数*/
     (5)Temp=a[j] /*交换数组中第i+1个数和第j+1个数*/
     (8)end for
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    表  3  不同方案的不同模块的面积比较

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