A High-precision Method of the Rotation Compensation and Cross-range Scaling for ISAR Imaging
摘要: 传统逆合成孔径雷达(ISAR)成像算法忽略了目标回波的高阶转动相位的影响,导致方位向聚焦效果较差,且无法直接从目标图像中获取目标尺寸信息。该文提出一种转动补偿和方位定标方法。该方法采用回波的全部方位信息,通过构造局部平均多普勒趋势(LADT)信号获取目标回波的多普勒变化趋势。进一步利用随机采样一致(RANSAC)算法估计多普勒调频率及目标有效转动速度,实现高精度转动补偿与方位定标。仿真与实测数据实验验证了该方法的有效性。Abstract: Traditional Inverse SAR (ISAR) imaging algorithms neglect the impact of high-order rotational phase in the signal, which may make ISAR images of a target defocused. Further, the size of a target can not be obtained from ISAR image directly. In this study, an effective method to achieve the rotation compensation and cross-range scaling for ISAR imaging is proposed. Firstly, all the signals of the target are used to form the Local Average Doppler Trend (LADT) signal. Subsequently, RANdom SAmple Consensus (RANSAC) algorithm is performed to estimate the Doppler rate and effective rotational velocity. Finally, high-precision rotation compensation and cross-range scaling can be accomplished. Simulation and real data experiments validate the effectiveness of the proposed method.
表 1 仿真参数设置
带宽 240 MHz 距离采样点数 349 中心频率 10 GHz 方位采样点数 512 采样频率 216 MHz 距离分辨率 0.625 m 脉冲重复频率 500 Hz 方位分辨率 0.3 m 表 2 仿真实验估计结果列表
理论值 估计值 相对误差(%) 转动速度(rad/s) 0.0488 0.0491 0.61 飞机长度(m) 70.00 69.77 0.33 翼展宽度(m) 60.00 60.42 0.70 表 3 本文方法与其他方法运算时间对比(s)
本文方法 TVAR法 RAT法 LPFT_IC法 ISSM方法 11.023539 9.916357 144.723539 249.244348 56.348508 表 4 实测数据系统参数
带宽 620 MHz 距离单元数 256 载频 5.5 GHz 方位单元数 256 PRF 50.4 Hz 采样频率 630 MHz 表 5 各方法图像熵值列表
RD图像熵值 7.5768 RAT法图像熵值 7.5012 本文方法图像熵值 7.2795 LPFT_IC法图像熵值 7.4201 TVAR法图像熵值 7.4034 ISSM方法图像熵值 7.4009 -
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