Reconfigurable Hardware Task Scheduling Algorithm Based on 3D Fragmentation Layout Strategy
摘要: 现有硬件任务调度算法任务描述不完善且忽视时间维上紧凑性。该文考虑任务下载时间、完善任务属性,以器件2维资源与时间建立3维资源模型,将任务布局问题抽象成特殊的3维空间放置问题,在此模型上分析出现有算法不能克服任务不可预知性和资源占用多变性,导致调度成功率和资源利用率低。针对此问题,该文提出了一种3维可重构任务调度算法3D_RTSA。设计并实现了基于任务紧迫度的调度策略和基于3D碎裂度的布局策略。与其他4种算法实验对比结果表明,在重负载、小任务C30情况下,3D_RTSA调度成功率比GC, Look-aheadest, SPSA, DTI算法分别高3%, 21%, 28%, 35%左右;在轻负载、大任务C50情况下,资源利用率比Look-aheadest, SPSA算法分别高5%, 18%左右,且该文算法时间复杂度并未增加。Abstract: The existing hardware task scheduling algorithms describe task imperfectly and ignore the compactness of time dimension. The task downloading time is considered for improving the task attribute, and the 3D-resource model with the two dimensional resource of device and time is established, in order to abstract the issue of task layout into a special three-dimensional space placement issue. With this model, it is concluded that the existing algorithms can not overcome the unpredictability of the task and the diversity of resource occupancy, leading low scheduling success rate and resource utilization rate. To solve the problem, a three dimensional reconfigurable task scheduling algorithm called 3D_RTSA is proposed. A scheduling strategy based on task urgency and a layout strategy based on 3D fragmentation are designed and implemented. Compared with the other 4 algorithms, the results show that the scheduling success rate of 3D_RTSA is 3%, 21%, 28%, 35% higher than that of GC, Look-aheadest, SPSA and DTI algorithms under the condition of heavy load and small task C30, and the utilization ratio of resources is 5% and 18% higher than that of Look-aheadest and SPSA algorithm under the condition of light load and large task C50. Besides, the time complexity of the algorithm is not increased.
Key words:
- 3D-resource model /
- Task urgency /
- 3D fragmentation /
- Scheduling success rate /
- Resource utilization
图 4 文献[14]的优先级调度策略实例
表 1 5种算法时间复杂度对比
算法 调度算法复杂度 布局算法复杂度 Look-aheadest O(E2R+G) O(E2R) DTI O(N) O(E+R) GC O(N(E+R)) O(E+R) SPSA O(R2) O(GR) 本文 O(N) O(E+R) -
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