Design and Verification of Monolithic Integrated SAR System
摘要: 传统分立器件设计的微型合成孔径雷达(SAR)系统,在体积、功耗、重量、成本方面的发展瓶颈日益显现,且系统设计方案不利于单片集成,无法满足未来微型化和泛在化的无人平台对低成本微型载荷的需求。该文针对微型雷达载荷的迫切需求,开展高分辨率微型SAR系统研究,提出了全相参的调频连续波(FMCW)系统设计方案,解决了系统高脉间相位稳定性及高隔离度设计难题,并利用K波段高密度硅基芯片对该微型SAR方案进行技术验证,研制了原理样机并开展成像应用试验。该微型SAR系统斜距分辨率7.5 cm,系统总功耗仅为1.5 W,相比传统SAR系统在体积、重量、功耗等方面取得了显著的进步,同时为微型SAR系统的硅基单片集成奠定技术基础。Abstract: The micro Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) system based on the traditional GaAs and GaN devices is not conducive to the monolithic integration, and the development bottleneck of volume, power consumption, weight and cost is becoming increasingly apparent, which is impossible to meet the needs of the miniaturized and ubiquitous unmanned platforms in the future. A new scheme for the design of a fully coherent Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW) SAR with high resolution is proposed. The design method of high pulse phase stability and high isolation is studied and realized. The prototype of micro SAR is developed based on silicon chip and experimentally demonstrated. The micro SAR operates at K band, producing a signal bandwidth of wider than 2 GHz, enabling a range resolution of 7.5 cm. The system has made remarkable progress in terms of size, weight, power consumption and lay technical foundation for the monolithic integration of micro SAR system in a silicon chip.
表 1 系统主要性能指标
参数名称 指标 工作频率 K 波段 带宽 ≥2 GHz 脉冲宽度 100 μs(可调) 分辨率 7.5 cm 作用距离 2~1000 m 表 2 典型微小型SAR系统核心指标对比
表 3 微型SAR原理样机体积、重量和功耗指标
参数名称 指标 体积 80 mm×80 mm×10 mm 重量 150 g 射频系统功耗 <1.5 W -
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