Compensative Coherent Processing Algorithm for Short Pulse Non-coherent Radar
摘要: 为了对短脉冲非相参雷达信号进行相参处理,该文根据其信号特征,建立了参数化信号模型。分析了信号非相参因素,提出了以匹配滤波和参数估计为基础的补偿相参处理算法。通过理论推导证明了对点目标进行补偿相参处理的可行性。并对距离扩展目标进行了理论分析,推导出其获得近似的补偿相参增益所需要满足的条件。并通过仿真验证了理论分析结果。Abstract: Based on the characteristics of short pulse non-coherent radar, the parameterized signal model is established. By analysis on the reasons of no-coherence, compensative coherent processing algorithm based on matching filter and parameter estimation is proposed. The rationality of the compensative coherent processing is proved by the mathematical derivation as to single point target. Then, requirement for the range extended target is analyzed in theory, in the condition of approximate compensative coherent processing. Finally, the theoretical analysis results are verified by simulation.
表 1 补偿相参积累的信噪比增益与理论值比较
M 理论值(dB) 仿真估计值(dB) 点目标 距离扩展目标 2 3.01 3.13 2.06 3 4.77 4.52 4.08 5 6.99 6.61 5.36 10 10.00 10.11 9.85 20 13.01 12.92 12.27 50 16.99 17.00 16.39 100 20.00 19.95 19.49 -
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