Equivalent Circuit Method for Hexagonal Loop Composite Absorbing Material
摘要: 该文提出一种针对六边形环复合吸波超材料吸波性能的等效电路分析方法。基于六边形环谐振特性建立了等效电路模型,通过对六边形点阵分布的傅里叶分析,提出了等效分布周期参数,给出了基于模型尺寸的RLC参数提取方法。与全波仿真结果比较,所提出的等效电路模型对分析多种尺寸的六边形环复合吸波材料具有较好的适用性和准确性。通过样品制作和测量,进一步验证了该模型的有效性,最后实现了一款工作于1.7~5.7 GHz的宽带雷达吸波材料。Abstract: An equivalent circuit method of performance estimation for hexagonal loop composite absorbing metamaterial is proposed, and the corresponding equivalent circuit model is established. Based on the Fourier analysis of hexagonal lattice distribution, the equivalent distribution periodic parameter is proposed and the estimation method of RLC parameters is given according to the size of units. The applicability and accuracy of the equivalent circuit model for several structure dimensions are verified and compared with HFSS. A sample is fabricated and measured for further verification, which has a good broadband radar absorbing performance in 1.7~5.7 GHz.
表 1 不同六边形环周期p的ECM模型中等效电容电感
p (mm) 等效电容 (pF) 等效电感 (μH) 24.0 0.50 6.6 26.0 0.28 6.8 28.0 0.19 7.0 -
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