A Co-planar Waveguide Fed Dual Band-notched Tapered Slot Antenna
摘要: 为了滤除WIMAX(3.3~3.8 GHz)和WLAN(5.125~5.825 GHz)窄带信号对超宽带系统的干扰,该文提出一款共面波导馈电的小型化双陷波渐变槽天线。共面波导结构可以有效地扩展天线的带宽,实现对整个UWB(3.1~10.6 GHz)频段的全覆盖。通过在天线的馈线上开L型缝隙和在辐射贴片上开一对E字型缝隙的方法,有效实现了在3.15~3.97 GHz和4.94~6.05 GHz频段的双陷波特性,能够抑制WIMAX和WLAN对超宽带系统的干扰。该天线结构简单紧凑,尺寸非常小,仅为40 mm×18 mm×0.813 mm。仿真和实测结果表明该天线在超宽带波段内具有良好的陷波特性、增益特性,可以应用于小型化超宽带系统中。文中方法对于陷波渐变槽天线的研究具有一定的借鉴意义。Abstract: In order to filter out the interference of WIMAX (3.3~3.8 GHz) and WLAN (5.125~5.825 GHz) narrowband signals to Ultra WideBand(UWB) system, a Co-Planar Waveguide (CPW) fed miniaturized tapered slot antenna with dual band-notched characteristics is proposed. The CPW structure can effectively extend the bandwidth of the antenna and realize the full coverage of the whole UWB (3.1~10.6 GHz) frequency band. The dual band-notched characteristics (3.15~3.97 GHz and 4.94~6.05 GHz) are effectively achieved by etching the L-shaped slot in the antenna feeder and opening a pair of E-shaped slots in the radiating patch, which can inhibit WIMAX and WLAN interference to the UWB system. The antenna is simple and compact, and the size is very small, only 40 mm×18 mm×0.813 mm. The simulated and measured results show that the antenna has good notch and gain characteristics in the ultra wideband band, and can be used in miniaturized UWB system. The method has certain reference significance for the research of notched tapered slot antenna.
Key words:
- Tapered slot antenna /
- Co-Planar Waveguide (CPW) /
- Dual band-notched /
- Compact
表 1 优化后的天线单元参数
参数 数值(mm) 参数 数值(mm) L 18.0 W 40.0 L1 2.2 W1 11.0 L2 2.7 W2 3.4 L3 3.5 W3 3.8 L4 6.0 W4 8.5 L5 2.0 S 3.4 L6 4.2 d 3.0 表 2 与相关文献的对比
文献 尺寸(mm3) 工作频率(GHz) 陷波波段(GHz) 抑制增益(dB) [11] 39×38×0.813 3.05~10.3 5~6 15.0 [12] 50×50×0.8 2.4~11.2 4.6~6.2 13.5 [13] 50×50×0.8 3~11 4.3~5.4 3.8 [14] 43×40×0.508 3~11 5.125~5.350/5.725~5.825 10.0/7.6 [15] 66.3×66.3×0.813 3~11 3.6~3.9/5.6~5.8 7.0/5.4 [16] 50×50×0.8 2.4~11.6 3.1~4.0/5.1~6.2 7.5/10.0 [17] 57.4×55×1.524 3.3~10.8 4.17~4.37/6.0~6.8 —/10.5 本文 40×18×0.813 2.8~9.7 3.15~3.97/4.94~6.05 16.0/16.5 -
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