A Fast Algebraic Decoding of the (41, 21, 9) Quadratic Residue Code
摘要: 为了降低译码时的计算复杂度以及减少译码时间,该文通过对牛顿恒等式进行推导得到了(41, 21, 9) QR码不需要计算未知校验子就可求得错误位置多项式系数的代数译码算法,同时也针对改善部分客观地给出了计算复杂度的理论分析。此外,为了进一步降低译码时间,提出判定接收码字中出现不同错误个数的更简化的判断条件。仿真结果表明该文提出算法在不降低Lin算法所达到的译码性能的前提下,降低了译码时间。Abstract: In order to reduce the computational complexity of computing unknown syndromes for the coefficients of the error-locator polynomial and reduce the decoding time when one is decoding, this paper proposed an algebraic decoding algorithm of (41, 21, 9) QR code without calculating the unknown syndromes by solving the Newtonian identity. Simultaneously, an objective theoretical analysis of the computational complexity is given for the part of improvement. Besides, this paper also puts forward the simplifying conditions to determine the number of errors in the received word, which in order to further reducing the decoding time. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm reduces the decoding time with maintaining the same decoding performance of Lin’s algorithm.
表 1 两种译码算法计算L4(z)复杂度的比较
算法 乘法 加法 Lin算法 361 128 本文算法 294 101 降低百分比(%) 18.56 21.09 表 2 两种译码算法平均译码时间(μs)
错误个数 错误模式总数 Lin算法 本文算法 1 41 24.20 3.94 2 820 142.62 52.79 3 10660 275.60 231.73 4 101270 562.01 477.78 -
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