A Non-stationary 3D Spatial Channel Model Based on Stochastic Scattering Cluster
摘要: 针对大规模MIMO信道的近场效应和非平稳特性,该文提出适用大规模MIMO信道的一种基于随机散射簇的非平稳3D空间信道模型。采用抛物波前代替球面波前建模近场效应,并分析抛物波前条件下该模型的信道容量。对于大规模MIMO信道的非平稳特性,提出基于散射簇的有效概率确定收发天线阵元的有效散射簇集合,从而建模散射簇沿天线阵列轴的随机演变来合理描述散射簇的出现和消失。仿真结果表明,用抛物波前和有效散射簇的随机演变来建模大规模MIMO信道特征是很好的候选方法。Abstract: To describe the near field effect and the non-stationary characteristic of the Massive MIMO channel, a non-stationary 3D spatial channel model based on stochastic scattering clusters for Massive MIMO systems is proposed. The parabolic wave instead of the spherical wave is used to model the near field effect, and the channel capacity of the model is analyzed under parabolic wavefront condition. For non-stationary properties of massive MIMO channel, the effective scattering clusters set of transmitting and receiving antenna elements is determined based on the effective probability of scattering clusters, and the stochastic evolution of scattering clusters along the antenna array axis is modeled to describe properly the appearance and disappearance of scattering clusters. Simulation results demonstrate that parabolic wavefront and the stochastic evolution of effective scattering clusters are good candidates to model Massive MIMO channel characteristics.
表 1 非平稳3D空间信道模型的主要几何参数定义
参数 定义 $\beta _E^R$ ,$\beta _E^T$ 接收天线和发送天线的俯仰角 $\beta _A^R$ ,$\beta _A^T$ 接收天线和发送天线的方位角 ${\theta _{n,\rm{ZOA}}}$ ,${\phi _{n,\rm{AOA}}}$ 散射簇 $n$ 的俯仰和方位到达角${\theta _{n,\rm{ZOD}}}$ ,${\phi _{n,\rm{AOD}}}$ 散射簇 $n$ 的俯仰和方位离开角${\theta _{n,m,\rm{ZOA}}}$ ,${\phi _{n,m,\rm{AOA}}}$ 散射簇 $n$ 经第$m$ 散射子径的俯仰和方位到达角$\theta _{n,m,\rm{ZOD}}^{}$ ,$\phi _{n,m,\rm{AOD}}^{}$ 散射簇 $n$ 经第$m$ 散射子径的俯仰和方位离开角${{{D}}}_n^R$ ,${{{D}}}_n^T$ 散射簇 $n$ 和接收(发送)天线阵列轴中心的距离矢量${{{A}}}_u^R$ ,${{{A}}}_s^T$ 接收天线阵元 $u$ 和发送天线阵元$s$ 的位置矢量${{{D}}}_{un}^R$ ,${{{D}}}_{sn}^T$ 散射簇 $n$ 和接收天线阵元$u$ (发送天线阵元$s$ )的距离矢量${{{D}}}_{un,m}^R$ ,${{{D}}}_{sn,m}^T$ 散射簇 $n$ 和接收天线阵元$u$ (发送天线阵元$s$ )经第$m$ 子径的距离矢量$f_{un,m}^{}$ 散射簇 $n$ 和接收天线阵元$u$ 之间经第$m$ 子径的多普勒频率${{v}}$ 接收天线阵列的速度矢量 -
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