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王从思 殷蕾 李飞 应康 张轶群 王猛

王从思, 殷蕾, 李飞, 应康, 张轶群, 王猛. 分布式MEMS移相器桥高度与相移量的机电集成模型及应用[J]. 电子与信息学报, 2018, 40(6): 1484-1491. doi: 10.11999/JEIT170762
引用本文: 王从思, 殷蕾, 李飞, 应康, 张轶群, 王猛. 分布式MEMS移相器桥高度与相移量的机电集成模型及应用[J]. 电子与信息学报, 2018, 40(6): 1484-1491. doi: 10.11999/JEIT170762
WANG Congsi, YIN Lei, LI Fei, YING Kang, ZHANG Yiqun, WANG Meng. Integrated Electromechanical Model and Applications of Bridge Height and Phase Shift in Distributed MEMS Phase Shifter[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2018, 40(6): 1484-1491. doi: 10.11999/JEIT170762
Citation: WANG Congsi, YIN Lei, LI Fei, YING Kang, ZHANG Yiqun, WANG Meng. Integrated Electromechanical Model and Applications of Bridge Height and Phase Shift in Distributed MEMS Phase Shifter[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2018, 40(6): 1484-1491. doi: 10.11999/JEIT170762


doi: 10.11999/JEIT170762

国家自然科学基金(51522507, 51475349, 51490660),国家973计划项目(2015CB857100),陕西省青年科技新星计划(2016KJXX-06),中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(JBG150409, KJXX1603, 7214479606)

Integrated Electromechanical Model and Applications of Bridge Height and Phase Shift in Distributed MEMS Phase Shifter


The National Natural Science Foundation of China (51522507, 51475349, 51490660), The National 973 Plan of China (2015CB857100), Shaanxi Province Youth Science and Technology New Star Program (2016KJXX-06), The Special Funds for Basic Scientific Research Services in Central Colleges and Universities (JBG150409, KJXX1603, 7214479606)

  • 摘要: 移相器是控制相控阵天线空间波束捷变的方向盘,其性能的优良决定着相控阵天线性能的高低。微机电系统(MEMS)移相器优势明显,但由于相控阵天线工作环境复杂,环境载荷会导致MEMS移相器结构变形,进而直接降低整个相控阵天线的性能。为此,该文研究MEMS移相器关键结构参数和电性能之间的耦合关系,将复杂环境要素对物理结构的影响传递到结构参数和电参数上,推导出分布式MEMS移相器的机电集成模型,并利用集成模型对变形MEMS移相器进行电性能快速评估和结构公差计算。仿真结果说明了集成模型的有效性和工程应用价值。
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