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鲍亚川 蔚保国

鲍亚川, 蔚保国. 基于格基约减的扩频通信多址干扰抑制算法[J]. 电子与信息学报, 2017, 39(5): 1164-1169. doi: 10.11999/JEIT161104
引用本文: 鲍亚川, 蔚保国. 基于格基约减的扩频通信多址干扰抑制算法[J]. 电子与信息学报, 2017, 39(5): 1164-1169. doi: 10.11999/JEIT161104
BAO Yachuan, YU Baoguo. Lattice Reduction Aided Multiple Access Interference Cancellation Algorithm of Spread Spectrum Communication[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2017, 39(5): 1164-1169. doi: 10.11999/JEIT161104
Citation: BAO Yachuan, YU Baoguo. Lattice Reduction Aided Multiple Access Interference Cancellation Algorithm of Spread Spectrum Communication[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2017, 39(5): 1164-1169. doi: 10.11999/JEIT161104


doi: 10.11999/JEIT161104


Lattice Reduction Aided Multiple Access Interference Cancellation Algorithm of Spread Spectrum Communication


The National Natural Science Foundation of China (91638203), The National Key Research and Development Program (2016YFB0502102)

  • 摘要: 在链路资源受限条件下的扩频通信应用中,多址干扰是限制系统多用户服务能力和通信质量的主要因素。该文针对多址干扰消除问题,首次将格基约减理论应用到扩频通信多址干扰消除中,提出基于格基约减辅助的多用户检测算法,通过格基约减变换实现对信号间互相关矩阵的正交性优化,使多用户检测算法性能得到改进,以较低的运算复杂度实现了逼近最大似然算法的检测性能。该算法在对抗强远近效应方面表现出优异性能,不同于传统多用户检测算法在恶劣多址环境下检测性能的严重退化,该算法能够保持对最大似然检测算法性能的逼近,可以使扩频通信系统的传输可靠性、多用户服务能力以及环境适应性得到显著增强。
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  • 收稿日期:  2016-10-18
  • 修回日期:  2017-03-06
  • 刊出日期:  2017-05-19


