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何伟俊 贺前华 吴俊峰 杨继臣

何伟俊, 贺前华, 吴俊峰, 杨继臣. 基于子带双特征的自适应保留似然比鲁棒语音检测算法[J]. 电子与信息学报, 2016, 38(11): 2879-2886. doi: 10.11999/JEIT160157
引用本文: 何伟俊, 贺前华, 吴俊峰, 杨继臣. 基于子带双特征的自适应保留似然比鲁棒语音检测算法[J]. 电子与信息学报, 2016, 38(11): 2879-2886. doi: 10.11999/JEIT160157
HE Weijun, HE Qianhua, WU Junfeng, YANG Jichen. Adaptively Reserved Likelihood Ratio-based Robust Voice Activity Detection with Sub-band Double Features[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2016, 38(11): 2879-2886. doi: 10.11999/JEIT160157
Citation: HE Weijun, HE Qianhua, WU Junfeng, YANG Jichen. Adaptively Reserved Likelihood Ratio-based Robust Voice Activity Detection with Sub-band Double Features[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2016, 38(11): 2879-2886. doi: 10.11999/JEIT160157


doi: 10.11999/JEIT160157

国家自然科学基金 (61571192),广东省公益项目(2015A010103003),中央高校基本科研业务费项目华南理工大学(2015ZM143)

Adaptively Reserved Likelihood Ratio-based Robust Voice Activity Detection with Sub-band Double Features


The National Natural Science Foundation of China (61571192), The Science and Technology Foundation of Guangdong Province (2015A010103003), The Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, SCUT (2015ZM143)

  • 摘要: 为了进一步提高低信噪比下语音激活检测(VAD)的准确率,该文提出一种基于子带双特征的自适应保留似然比鲁棒语音激活检测算法。算法采用子带归一化最大自相关函数与子带归一化平均过零率双重特征设置频率分量似然比的保留权值,同时利用已过去固定时长的VAD判决结果及对应的子带特征参数自适应地估计似然比的保留阈值。实验结果表明,此算法的VAD检测准确率相比原保留似然比算法在10 dB, 0 dB和-10 dB平稳白噪声下分别提高了1.2%, 7.2%和8.1%,在10 dB和0 dB非平稳Babble噪声下分别提高了1.6%和3.4%。当其被用于2.4 kbps低速率声码器系统时,合成语音的感知语音质量评价(PESQ)比原声码器系统在白噪声下提高了0.098~0.153,在Babble噪声下提高了0.157~0.186。
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  • 收稿日期:  2016-02-04
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