摘要: 研究了一种基于时空相关性的运动估计方法。提出在块匹配法中,对于运动相关性好的块根据相邻块或前一帧图像的运动预测出它的初始运动矢量,然后在小范围内搜索,做运动矢量的优化。对传统的块匹配运动估计,给出了提高运动矢量一致性的修正准则。实验结果表明,本文算法所得的运动矢量一致性远高于传统块匹配法,同时能保持和全局搜索法相媲美的预测质量,而运算时间则有较大幅度缩短。
- 运动估计; 块匹配法; 时空相关性
Abstract: A new motion estimation algorithm based on spatio-temporal cohenence is presented. In this proposed algorithm, an initial motion vector of the block which has good coherence with its neighbors or that of the previous frame is directly predicated. A more precise motin vector is obtained based on the initial one by full-searching block matching algorithm (FBMA) in a small range. As to blocks with poor coherence, FBMA with ordinary range is used, and their motion vectors are at last adjusted by the coherence criterion given in the paper. Experiments show satisfying results can be reached with the proposed algorithm. -
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