Analysis of TH Correlation Property in UWB
摘要: 跳时技术是超宽带无线电通信技术的一个重要组成部分,在该系统中起着至关重要的作用。为 了满足系统的要求,跳时序列必须具有良好的相关性能,即自相关性和互相关性。该文分析了跳时序列的相关性能,得出了跳时序列相关值的上界和下界。同时还提出了一种改善跳时序列相关性能的方法,使得跳时序列的最大互相关值和最大异相自相关值都降低了一半。
- 超宽带无线电; 跳时序列; 相关性能
Abstract: For Ultra WideBand (UWB) communication technology, the design of Time-Hopping (TH) sequences is a critical point and good TPI correlation property is desired. In this paper, through analyzing TH correlation property, the TH correlation function is defined. Based on the definition, the limits of TH correlation property are obtained, and the-relation between TH correlation function and Frequency-Hopping (FH) correlation function is derived. In addition, this paper presents a method that improves TH correlation property. -
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