摘要: 该文讨论面向对象编码的视频分割算法。由于数学形态学工具能够很好地处理诸如大小、形状、对比度和连通性等对图像分割非常重要的特征,这种技术常用来对图像进行帧内分割,得到一些具有某种相似性的区域。然后利用运动信息进行区域合并。为了实现区域合并,该文提出一种新方法来判定局部运动。设计了一个分割细化步骤,对区域边界点进行再判决,可以得到更好的结果。实验结果表明,该文提出的方法对于平稳背景和运动背景中的视频对象分割都是有效的。Abstract: This paper deals with automatic object segmentation method for object-oriented video encoding. Since methods of mathematical morphology are capable of detecting geometrical features such as size, contrast, or connectivity which are important to image segmentation. Intra-frame segmentation is in first step performed using morphological tools. After obtaining different areas in intra-frame segmentation step, a few video object areas can be merged according to their motion parameters. Finally, a new technique for the detection of motion of a local area is proposed. A two-dimensional binary model can be obtained from the object of interest. By introducing a refinement step, the border pixels can be categorized into one of the neighboring objects so as to achieve a minimum predictive error that computed from its model parameters. Experimental results demonstrate a successful segmentation of objects located in a still or moving background.
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