Novel Filter Design for Detecting Weak Targets of Slow Speed Out of Multi-mode Clutters
摘要: 该文提出了一种用于多杂波背景下的低速弱目标检测的脉间参差滤波器优化设计,该算法采用脉间滑动脉冲的方式进行参差MTI滤波器设计,并利用与梯度结合的遗传算法搜索最优的脉冲重复周期排布组合,使滤波器第一零点尽可能浅,可在有效抑制杂波和同频干扰的同时避免陷入其中的弱目标丢失,同时该滤波器可形成多个凹口以滤去多种杂波,并将盲速推到三倍音速以外。采用梯度遗传算法对脉冲重复周期进行搜索,由于该算法所需初始种群规模小,与标准遗传算法相比复杂度大大降低。仿真结果和性能分析验证了算法的可行性和有效性。Abstract: The paper presents a novel stagger MTI filter design algorithm, which can detect weak targets of slow speed out of multi-mode clutters. The method is carried out by slipping pulses, and the best pulse repetitive frequencies selected by gradient-GA make the first notch as shallow as possible, so the weak targets in the first notch can be detected. Multi-model clutters can be suppressed by MTI filter, and blind-velocity can be appeared out of three times velocity of sound. Combined GAs the capability of the whole searching and not limited by selection of initial parameter with the gradient GAs advantage of fast searching, it can offer fewer initial population and low computation complexity. The simulation and performance analysis demonstrate the feasibility and validity of the algorithm.
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