IEEE 802.11中基于传输时间的接纳控制算法研究
Performance Evaluation of Transmission Time Based Admission Control in IEEE 802.11
摘要: 在IEEE 802.11无线局域网中引入基于传输时间的实时业务接纳控制算法,当新申请的业务 加入系统后使系统总的传输时间超过预算时,拒绝该业务加入。对已接纳的业务流按照令牌桶算法分配传输时间,并采用轮询机制保证实时业务的服务质量。通过拒绝接纳过多的实时业务流,为非实时业务留出部分资源,避免了实时业务耗尽系统资源使非实时业务得不到服务的情况。Abstract: In this paper, a transmission time based admission control algorithm in IEEE 802.11 wireless LANs is proposed. When a new real-time flow requests to be admitted to the system, the Access Point (AP) evaluates whether the new flow will overrun the system transmission time budget. For the admitted flow, the AP adopts a token bucket to allocate the transmission time and polls the flow regularly, so the quality of service of the flow will be guaranteed. Furthermore, by means of excluding extra real-time flows, some wireless resources will be left for non-real-time services. The fairness of wireless resources sharing will be satisfied.
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