Efficient Wideband Jammer Nulling in Large Scanning Angle
摘要: 相控阵雷达采用宽带技术是雷达发展的必然趋势。而抗宽带干扰技术是宽带相控阵雷达必须解决的问题,该文针对发射信号为线性调频信号,提出了一种宽带宽角发射波束形成新方法。该算法在已精确估计出信号和干扰方向的前提下,把窄带权和宽带权相结合形成最优权。该方法能在保证距离高分辨特性的前提下,在干扰方向形成较宽凹口,文中给出了实现框图并仿真证实了该方法的有效性。
- 线性调频;宽带雷达;波束形成;置零
Abstract: Phased array radar combined with wideband technique is the development trend in radar, while technology of restraining wideband interference must be resolved in wideband phased array radar. A new wideband transmitting beamforming method is presented in this paper which uses LFM signal. The algorithm produces optimal weight by combining wideband with narrowband weight on the premise of accurate DOA estimation. The method can ensure high distance resolution of the signal and form pattern null in the direction of the interference. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the method. -
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