Study on Using Space-Time Block Coding to Improve System Capacity
摘要: 该文在简单介绍空时分组编码的基础上,着重研究了对共道用户产生的干扰进行抵消抑制的技术。采用干扰抵消技术可以充分利用干扰信号的相关性进行有效的抵消处理,从增加共道用户的角度提高了系统的容量。并且文中提出了一种利用不同调制方式性能的不同,对共道用户进行分步解码来削弱共道干扰的空时分组编码传输系统策略。这种方法能够进一步提高系统的性能,尤其是增大了通信系统的容量。
- 系统容量; 空时编码; 抗干扰技术
Abstract: This paper focuses on the anti-interference technique to restrain the interfer-ence of co-channel users while simply introducing the concept of space-time block coding. Anti-interference technique uses the relationship among signals to remove the interference, which can enhance the capacity of communication system by introducing co-channel users. Moreover, the paper submits a strategy to eliminate the effect of co-channel interference by decoding signals by stages while using different performance of various modulation tech-niques. The system performance can get more enhancements by using this strategy, which is very important for enlarging the capacity of system. -
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