A Cyclostationarity-Based Blind Algorithm for Estimating Time-Frequency Parameters in OFDM Systems
摘要: 该文考虑移动通信信道下的OFDM系统同步参数估计问题,通过对接收信号进行采样,获得具有周期平稳特性的序列,在此基础上提出一种基于OFDM信号周期平稳特性的系统时延和频偏盲估计算法,并对算法进行时频参数估计范围和误差来源分析。理论分析和仿真结果表明,该算法不仅适用于频率选择性衰落信道,而且与同类的方法比较,具有更大的频偏估计范围和更高的估计精度。
- OFDM;周期平稳特性;盲时频参数估计
Abstract: The problem on the time-frequency parameters estimation in the mobile channel is considered in this paper. For this aim, a blind algorithm is proposed, which is based on the cyclostationarity property of the received signal. Theoralic analysis and simulation results are provided to show that this algorithm is suitable for a frequency selective fading channel. When compared with the other method, its ability to estimate a larger frequency offset and higher estimation resolution are shown. -
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