Study on the Microstrip Antenna Array for Airborne SAR System with the Shaped Beam in the Range Plane
摘要: 通过对宽测绘带的机载合成孔径雷达距离向回波特性的分析,推导出了天线距离向辐射赋形方向图表达式。利用Schelkunoff单位圆结合零限填充对天线阵进行综合,得到了天线各单元激励幅度和相位,并利用微带贴片天线阵列实现赋形波束方向图。该文用两种介质配置分别加工了实验样阵列,实验结果、仿真结果与理论综合结果三者吻合较好,从而证明了赋形方法正确,技术路线可行。Abstract: The characteristic of the echo of the wide swath airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) is analyzed, then the expression of the shaped beam radiation pattern in the range plane of antenna is induced . The pattern is synthesized using the Schelkunoff unit circle method with null filling, and the exciting amplitude and phase of the 5 elements are given. The two sample microstrip arrays with different dielectric are fabricated, and the measured results are basically in accordance with the simulated and synthesized results. The valid conclusion of the synthesized and realized the shaped beam pattern can be drawn and the technology route is feasible.
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