摘要: 本文运用现代数学中的综合分析方法,提出了模糊综合航迹关联算法,文中详细讨论了状态估计向量间模糊综合相似度的计算和评价方法,导出了三种典型模糊综合函数的递推式,研究了模糊综合航迹关联准则,并通过仿真将它与两种经典方法进行了比较。仿真结果表明,在密集目标环境下和/或交叉、分岔和机动航迹较多的场合,模糊航迹关联算法的性能明显优于传统方法,其正确关联率比传统方法提高了大约40%。Abstract: This paper presents fuzzy synthetic track correlation algorithms by using the synthetic analysis method in modern mathematics. In this paper, the computation and evaluation methods of the fuzzy synthetic measure of similarity between two state estimation vectors are discussed in detail, the recursive forms of three typical fuzzy synthetic functions are derived, the fuzzy synthetic track correlation criterion is described as well. Moreover, the algorithm is compared with two classical methods through simulation. The simulation results show that the performance of the fuzzy synthetic track correlation algorithm is much better than that of the classical methods in dense multitarget environments, more cross, split and maneuvering track situations. Under above situations, its correct correlation rate is improved about 40 percent over that of the classical methods.
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