A Novel Method for Joint DOA-Carrier-Polarization Estimation Based on Virtual Array
摘要: 针对电子侦测系统中对多个信源方位、载波频率以及极化状态等信息同步提取的要求,该文通过将原始正交偶极子物理阵列的多个时域输出在空间域上扩展为虚拟传感器阵列,提出了一种基于波达方向矩阵法的二维方位角、频率和二维极化状态联合估计的新方法。虚拟传感器阵列的理论孔径为物理阵列的数倍,解决了ESPRIT类算法阵列孔径损失的问题,具有了在低信噪比、多辐射源环境下更强的适应能力;该方法无需谱峰搜索,各参数在求解过程中自然配对,可以以很小的计算量达到与ESPRIT方法相似的性能或以一定计算量为代价换取高得多的性能。算法对于传感器阵列的结构无特殊限制,具有很好的理论价值以及应用前景。理论分析与计算机仿真实验都证明了算法的有效性。Abstract: The Direction, carrier frequency and polarization information of multi-sources are all required for many systems such as electronic surveillance. Based on one crossed dipole sensor array, a tempo-spatial expanded virtual sensor array is built, so a novel method for 2-Dimentional (2-D) Direction Of Arrive (DOA) angle, carrier frequency and 2-D polarization angle estimation is proposed. The aperture of virtual array is several times to that of real ones, so it is more suitable for multi-sources parameters estimation in high noisy environments. The estimations of all these parameters can be got simultaneously, and automatically paired in calculating process with no spectrum searching. Similar performance with ESPRIT method can be achieved by least calculating burden, or far higher performance by high calculating burden. This algorithm can be used to any plane sensor array and this character would be very useful for applications. Simulations were presented to show the capabilities of this method.
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