A Cyclostationarity-Based Approach to Blind Channel Identification for an OFDM System
摘要: 该文提出一种基于信号周期平稳特性的盲信道估计算法,用于频率选择性衰落环境下的正交频分复用(OFDM)系统。该算法利用OFDM信号本身具有的周期平稳特性以及其周期自相关函数值的能量分布规律,确定信道阶数,并通过确定信道零点的方法间接获得信道冲激响应。理论和仿真结果表明,与其它的盲信道估计算法相比,该算法不仅可以较准确地获得信道阶数,而且降低了信道估计的均方误差。
- OFDM;周期平稳特性;盲信道估计
Abstract: An approach, which exploits the cyclostationarity of the received signal, to blind channel identification for an OFDM system in frequency selective channel is presented in this paper. First, by utilizing the power distribution of the cyclic autocorrelation function of the received signal, the order of the channel is achieved. Then, the estimated channel is got by identifying its zeros. Finally, simulation results are provided to show that it is superior to the other algorithms. -
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