摘要: 由断层图象序列重建三维物体模型及其可见表面显示是目前国际上十分活跃的研究课题。本文对X射线CT图象序列重建三维对象模型,以及可见表面3-D显示进行了研究。提出一种给定分段点数的轮廓多边形近似方法,继而提出一种快速断面图象间轮廊插值方法。对重建出的人体肝脏体元阵列,用深度和梯度明暗显示方法进行显示,肝脏可见表面的3-D显示结果令人满意。全部软件都是在以PC/AT为主机,配以PC-VISION图象处理板的微机图象处理系统上,用C语言编程实现的。
- 三维重建; 断层图象; 三维显示
Abstract: It is an active researching area to reconstruct the model of 3-dimensional object from cross-sectional images and to display its visible surfaces. In this paper, the theory and the method of reconstructing the model of 3-D object and displaving its visible surface from X-CT imaqes are studied. Giving the number of segment points, a polygonal approximation method is presented. Then a fast contour interpolating method is introduced. The reconstructed liver voxel set is displayed with the depth-only shading method and the depth gradient shading method, the result is satisfactory. The software is written in C language and runs on PC-VISION image processing system. -
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