摘要: 在脉冲磁控管中,阳极电流可以用两个不同的公式表示。一是属于具体管型的,包含电磁参数和管的几何尺寸,它描述阳极如何从切向迴旋的电子云中提取电子。另一个只与阴极的热发射、回轰系数和次级发射系数有关,它描述阴极向迴旋电子云供应电子的一般方式。二者有紧密的联系,但又是不同的物理过程。我们将这两个公式和互作用空间中的电子云运动结合起来,便能更好地了解磁控管的工作机制。 为了使磁控管能稳定工作,就要使预振电压低于门槛电压,并且使空间电荷振荡的模式与谐振腔上高频振荡的模同步。在起振之后,阳极电流应近似地由次级发射供应,而回轰电流则近似地由热发射供应。此条件能保证得到较好的工作状态。
Abstract: There are two different expressions for anode current of pulsed magnetrons. The one. comprising electric and magnetic parameters as well as tube geometries, describes how the electrons are picked up from the rotating electron stream near anode space; the other, stating the relation between thermal emission, coefficient of back bombardment and coefficient of secondary emission, is a general description of supplying electrons to the rotating stream by the ca-thode without concern to a particular tube. Each of the above expressions has its own physical significance while they are closely connected to each other through the rotaing eectron stream. The integration of these expressions with the electron motions in the interaction space leads to better understanding of the mechanism of magnetrons. For stable operation of the magnetron, the preoscillation voltage should be lower than the threshold voltage, while the mode of this space charge oscillation should be the same as the mode oscillation on the resonating cavities. After starting of the resonance, that the thermal emission approximately equals the back bombarding current and the secondary emission approximately equals the anode current respectively exhibits condition of good performance. -
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