IP over WDM网中的策略路由算法
Policy-based dynamic routing and wavelength assignment in IP over WDM networks
摘要: 业务量工程允许管理者通过赋予业务主干不同的业务量工程属性来体现一定的管理策略,在为业务主干建立标记交换路径(LSP)时也应该考虑这些策略的影响,该文讨论了业务主干具有不同优先权属性时的 LSP建立问题,针对中断 LSP个数最少和中断业务量最小两种指标,分别提出不同的解决策略:最小连接数中断法(MCNIM)和最小连接带宽中断法(MCBIM),并在不同负载的动态业务下对所提算法进行了仿真研究,给出了仿真结果。Abstract: A traffic trunk can be characterized by administrator in optical traffic engineering, and an attribute of a traffic trunk is a parameter assigned to it which influences its behav-ioral characteristics. The priority attribute defines the relative importance of traffic trunks. If a constraint-based routing framework is used, then priorities become very important in im-plementations permitting preemption. Preemption is used to assure that high priority traffic trunks can always be routed through relatively favorable paths at connection establishment within a differentiated services environment. The main objective of this paper is to discuss how to preempt at Label Switch Path(LSP) establishment according to the attribute of traffic trunk, and two new schemes, Minimum Connection Bandwidth Interrupt Method(MCBIM) and Minimum Connection Number Interrupt Method (MCNIM), arc presented. They make full use of established LSP information to determine how to route an arriving request. Simulation results show that these two schemes can improve the performance of the network significantly.
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