The impulse response sequence of min imum peak sidelobe filter (LP filter) for m-sequence phase-coded waveform can be f ound by using linear programming method. The results of computation for all the 15-element and 31-element m-sequences show that the LP filters can significantly suppress the peak sidelobes. Por the 15-element code with feedback connection [4, 3, 0] and initial condition 1001, the peak sidelobe Ievel is reduced to - 21.47 dB by using LP filter of length 15, and it is 7.49 dB better than that by using matched filter. For the 31-element code with feedback connection [5,3,2,1] and initial condition 11101, the peak sidelobe level is reduced to -23.80 dB by suing LP filter of length 31, and it is 6.01 dB better than that by using matched filter. The LP filter can suppress the peak sidelobe even more when its length is increased.