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邹焕新 蒋咏梅 匡纲要 郁文贤

邹焕新, 蒋咏梅, 匡纲要, 郁文贤. 一种基于斑点抑制的SAR图像舰船航迹检测算法[J]. 电子与信息学报, 2003, 25(8): 1051-1058.
引用本文: 邹焕新, 蒋咏梅, 匡纲要, 郁文贤. 一种基于斑点抑制的SAR图像舰船航迹检测算法[J]. 电子与信息学报, 2003, 25(8): 1051-1058.
Zou Huanxin Jiang, Yongmei, Kuang Gangyao, Yu Wenxian . Detection algorithm of ship wakes of SAR image based on the speckle noise supression[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2003, 25(8): 1051-1058.
Citation: Zou Huanxin Jiang, Yongmei, Kuang Gangyao, Yu Wenxian . Detection algorithm of ship wakes of SAR image based on the speckle noise supression[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2003, 25(8): 1051-1058.


Detection algorithm of ship wakes of SAR image based on the speckle noise supression

  • 摘要: 该文分析了合成孔径雷达(SAR)图像中舰船航迹的特性和斑点噪声模型及其局部统计特性。在此基础上,提出了一种先基于小波变换进行斑点噪声抑制,再基于Radon变换进行航迹检测的方法。对数据处理的结果表明,该方法较直接对SAR图像应用Radon变换能更有效、准确地检测到SAR图像中的舰船航迹。
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  • 收稿日期:  2001-11-03
  • 修回日期:  2002-12-25
  • 刊出日期:  2003-08-19


