Study of Parallel MoM on PC Clusters
摘要: 针对复杂环境的电磁兼容分析中计算量过大、耗时太长的障碍,该文组建了一个高性能PC集群系统,以 此为硬件平台研究了MPI并行环境下的并行矩量法。论文首先给出了与并行共轭梯度法求解矩阵方程对应的矩量 法矩阵的棋盘块划分方式,然后详细地讨论了并行共轭梯度算法求解矩量法矩阵方程的并行实现。作为应用实例计 算了某飞行器模型的散射特性,并测试了在PC集群系统中本文并行矩量法程序的性能。Abstract: Prohibitive computation resources and too much time are needed for EMC analysis of complicated EM environment. To overcome this drawback, a parallel algorithm that combined MoM with MPI functions is studied in this paper. The tessellation scheme is employed for parallel filling the impedance matrix and parallel conjugate gradient method is used to solve the matrix equation. The performance of the parallel code on PC clusters is analyzed and numerical results show its efficiency.
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