Realization of fast acquisition optimum receiver by instant correlation spectral estimation
摘要: 该文提出了一种低信噪比大多普勒频移条件下扩频码快速捕获的方法,该方法依据回波信号与本地扩频码瞬时相关谱上的显著峰值的存在性判决信号的存在性,与前人的方法相比,该方法在简化了系统复杂性的同时保持了并行多通道最优接收机的性能。Abstract: This paper presents a new method of fast code acquisition under low SNR, and large Doppler shift condition. The method gives decision base on the peak existence in the spectral of instant correlation between the local code and the zero-IF received signal. This scheme not only promises a performance as good as that of parallel channel optimum receiver but also has a much simpler structure.
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