摘要: 1979年,上海交通大学学报发表了傅信镛等同志关于实现麦克斯韦设想的理论探讨及实验结果,作者宣称已经获得了一个永恒的电流,也就是实现了第二类永动机。交大学报在编者按中希望引起有关学术界的广泛讨论并予以检验。 本文对傅氏等的研究进行分析,得到了下述结论:(1)傅氏实验中,磁场控制的是电子集团的流动,并没有将电子分为高速的与低速的两类,故它不是司门小妖。整个实验中进行的是极大量粒子的集体流动过程,这完全属于热力学的管辖领域;(2)傅氏装置中出现的电流,其实是真空二极管中的初速电流;(3)初速电流实际上是改变了形式的汤姆生热电效应,它需要一个热库与一个冷库,完全遵从热力学第二定律;(4)磁场的作用只是通过控制电子的集团运动,使装置中出现些微的整流作用。没有这个整流作用,初速电子流将相互抵消而不能形成电流。
Abstract: In 1979, Fu and his colleagues presented their work of realizing Maxwall's demon, theoretically and experimentally, in Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University. Fu declared that a permanent current was obtained in their device. This means that a new machine of the seeond kind of perpetual motion have been invented.In this paper, the author gives a detail anslysis of Fu's work, and the following conclusions have been obtained: (1) In Fu's experiment, the object controlled by the magnetic field was the mass-motion of electrons, not the individual electron. Magnetic field did not separate electrons individually into high-speed group and low-speed group, for this reason, it is not a demon. The process which occured in the whole experiment was a mass-flowing process of numerous amount of particules. this must be belong to the area of thermodynamics. (2) The current flowing in Fu's device is actually the initial velocity current of a vacuum diode. (3) The initial velocity current is in turn a changed form of Thomson thermoelectric effect, which necessitates a hot tank and a cold tank to work, obeying the second law of thermodynamics. (4) The role of action of the magnetic field is to control the mass-motion of electrons, causing a weak rectification effect in the device. The current should vanish if there is no this effect, as the initial-velocity elelctrons should eliminates each other. -
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