Hardware Optimization of S-box of Camellia Algorithm Based on Polynomial Basis
摘要: 该文提出一种基于不可约多项式的Camellia算法S盒的代数表达式,并给出了该表达式8种不同的同构形式。然后,结合Camellia算法S盒的特点,基于理论证明给出一种基于多项式基的S盒优化方案,此方法省去了表达式中的部分线性操作。相对于同一种限定门的方案,在中芯国际(SMIC)130 nm工艺库中,该文方案减少了9.12%的电路面积;在SMIC 65 nm工艺库中,该文方案减少了8.31%的电路面积。最后,根据Camellia算法S盒设计中的计算冗余,给出了2类完全等价的有限域的表述形式,此等价形式将对Camellia算法S盒的优化产生积极影响。
- 有限域 /
- 多项式基 /
- 正规基 /
- Camellia算法 /
- S盒
Abstract: An algebraic expression for the S-box of Camellia’s algorithm based on irreducible polynomials is proposed in this paper, and eight different isomorphic expressions are also given. Then combined with the characteristics of S-box, an optimization scheme based on polynomial basis is given by theoretical proof, in which some redundant linear operations are reduced. Compared with the same gate-limited scheme the circuit area is saved by 9.12% in the Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation (SMIC) 130 nm process library and by 8.31% in the SMIC 65 nm process library. Finally, according to the computational redundancy in the design of the S-box of Camellia algorithm, two completely equivalent representations on the finite field are given, which will have a positive impact on the optimization of the S-box of Camellia algorithm.-
Key words:
- Finite field /
- Polynomial basis /
- Normal basis /
- Camellia algorithm /
- S-box
表 1 正规基构造细节
不可约多项式 $ \alpha $ $\beta $ $p1(x) = {x^8} + {x^6} + {x^5} + {x^3} + 1$ 108 2 108 3 18 4 18 5 $p2(x) = {x^4} + x + 1$ 109 16 109 17 19 104 19 105 表 2 有限域构造参数
复合域 复合域 不可约多项式 ${\rm GF}({2^{(n/2)}})$ ${\rm GF}(2)[x]/{\rm{p}}2(x)$ ${\rm{p}}2(x)$ ${\rm GF}({({2^{(n/2)}})^2})$ ${\rm GF}({2^{(n/2)} })[x]/{\rm{p}}3(x)$ ${\rm{p}}3(x)={x}^{2}+Ax+B;A,B\in {\rm GF}({2}^{(n/2)})$ 表 3 GF((24)2)构造参数
复合域 复合域 不可约多项式 ${\rm GF}({2^4})$ ${\rm GF}(2)[x]/{\rm{p}}2(x)$ ${\rm{p}}2(x) = {x^4} + x + 1$ ${\rm GF}({({2^4})^2})$ ${\rm GF}({2^{(n/2)} })[x]/{\rm{p}}3(x)$ ${\rm{p}}3(x) = {x^2} + 0001x + 1001$ 表 4 两种域的参数
不可约多项式 $i(\alpha=\beta^i)$ $\alpha $ ${\beta }$ A B $ {\alpha ^4} + {\alpha ^3} = 1 $ 17, 34, 68, 136 106, 6, 20, 121 104, 105 1 2, 14, 9, 4 121, 106, 6, 20 16, 17 20, 121, 106, 6 4, 5 6, 20, 121, 106 2, 3 $ {\alpha ^4} + \alpha = 1 $ 119, 187, 221, 238 109, 18, 108, 19 104, 105 1 13, 14, 11, 9 18, 108, 19, 109 16, 17 108, 19, 109, 18 4, 5 19, 109, 18, 108 2, 3 $ {\alpha ^4} + {\alpha ^3} + {\alpha ^2} + \alpha = 1 $ 51, 102, 153, 204 21, 120, 7, 107 104, 105 1 14, 5, 9, 3 7, 21, 107, 120 16, 17 107, 7, 120, 21 4, 5 120, 107, 21, 7 2, 3 表 5 3种算法S盒代数安全性对比
算法 差分均匀度 分线性度 不动点个数 代数次数 代数项数 AES 4 112 0 7 (110,112,114,131,136,145,133,132) SM4 4 112 1 7 (124,139,124,126,123,128,130,134) Camellia 4 112 0 7 (127,132,126,135,129,133,129,126) 表 6 逻辑门参数(nm)
NOT AND NAND OR XOR XOR MUX NANDN SMIC130 0.67 1.33 1.00 1.33 2.33 2.33 2.67 1.33 SMIC65 0.75 1.50 1.00 1.50 2.25 2.25 2.25 1.50 表 7 逻辑门参数
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