To protect the privacy during the real-time speech communication, in this paper, a novel fast modification method for real-time speech is presented, in which the transformation method of Pseudo Log Area Ratio (PLAR) curve and Pitch-Synchronous-OverLap-and-Add (LP-PSOLA) algorithm based on Linear Prediction are respectively adopted to modify the spectrum parameters and the prosodic parameters of the speech, then the personal characteristics of the speech are modified. In addition, for Synchronous-OverLap-and-Add(SOLA) method popularly used for Time-Scale Modification (TSM) has a lot of computation load, it can not be used for processing the real-time speech. Therefore, in this paper, a novel TSM algorithmAdaptive Synchronous OverLap and Add(ASOLA) presented by authors workgroup is adopted for TSM of the speech, the personal characteristics of which have been modified, to assure the real-time property of the speech. Finally, the fast modification method for real-time speech is used to protect the privacy during the real-time speech communication, and the test shows that, the speech synthesized by this method has high quality, and this approach can assure the real-time speech communication.