Fu Qiuliang, Yuan Baozong. CHINESE PHRASE RECOGNITION AND UNDERSTANDING WITH INFORMATION FEEDBACK[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1998, 20(2): 194-198.
Fu Qiuliang, Yuan Baozong. CHINESE PHRASE RECOGNITION AND UNDERSTANDING WITH INFORMATION FEEDBACK[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1998, 20(2): 194-198.
Fu Qiuliang, Yuan Baozong. CHINESE PHRASE RECOGNITION AND UNDERSTANDING WITH INFORMATION FEEDBACK[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1998, 20(2): 194-198.
Fu Qiuliang, Yuan Baozong. CHINESE PHRASE RECOGNITION AND UNDERSTANDING WITH INFORMATION FEEDBACK[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1998, 20(2): 194-198.
It is one of the tasks of Chinese speech understanding system that translates Chinese syllable from Chinese speech recognition system into a correct Chinese character, word, and phrase, sentence, and it will implement the task of speech to text altogether with Chinese speech recognition system. This paper makes a system on Chinese phrase understanding with a close ring approach with information feedback, which based on Chinese word recognition system. This system can understand the special constructed phras,a predicted result on this experiment is achieved.
Finally, this paper gives a conclusion on the experiment and summary about the approach with information feedback.
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