ABSTRACT In this paper, the formula given by S. Roberts and A. Von Hippel (1946) has been expanded. We make a program for calculating the phase constant of tested material which is put into the waveguide and for obtaining the multi-value solutions. The method for determining r and tan of a rested material does not need special equipments, but it can meet the accuracy requirement for resting ordinary materials.
W. E. Courtney, IEEE Trans. on MTT, MTT-18(1970), 467.[2]S. Roberts, A. Von Hippel, J. Appl. Phys., 17(1946), 610.[3]T. W. Dakin, C. N. Works, J. Appl. Phys., 18(1947), 789-796.[4]D. M. Bowie and K. S. Kelleher, IRE Trans. on MTT, MTT-4(1956), 137.