Sun Huajin, Gao Deyuan, Zhang Shengbing. The FPGA implementation of the round robin scheduling algorithms[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2003, 25(8): 1143-1147.
Sun Huajin, Gao Deyuan, Zhang Shengbing. The FPGA implementation of the round robin scheduling algorithms[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2003, 25(8): 1143-1147.
Sun Huajin, Gao Deyuan, Zhang Shengbing. The FPGA implementation of the round robin scheduling algorithms[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2003, 25(8): 1143-1147.
Sun Huajin, Gao Deyuan, Zhang Shengbing. The FPGA implementation of the round robin scheduling algorithms[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2003, 25(8): 1143-1147.
Round robin scheduling algorithm is a classic scheduling algorithm with many ap-plications. An FPGA implementation by using barrel shifter and pipelined priority encoder is presented in this paper with considering the FPGA structure characteristic and systems requirement. And the performance and resource consumption of the implementation are dis-cussed. The test result shows that the implementation of the algorithm is effective and fit for the FPGA structure. The system with the implementation of algorithm runs very well.
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