Zheng Wei-ping , Zhang Qiu-ling , Feng Hong-chuan , Wang Yan-fei. Airborne SAR Motion Compensation Based on SCFT Processing Algorithm[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2005, 27(9): 1375-1378.
Zheng Wei-ping , Zhang Qiu-ling , Feng Hong-chuan , Wang Yan-fei. Airborne SAR Motion Compensation Based on SCFT Processing Algorithm[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2005, 27(9): 1375-1378.
Zheng Wei-ping , Zhang Qiu-ling , Feng Hong-chuan , Wang Yan-fei. Airborne SAR Motion Compensation Based on SCFT Processing Algorithm[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2005, 27(9): 1375-1378.
Zheng Wei-ping , Zhang Qiu-ling , Feng Hong-chuan , Wang Yan-fei. Airborne SAR Motion Compensation Based on SCFT Processing Algorithm[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2005, 27(9): 1375-1378.
This paper detailedly analyzes precise Range Cell Migration(RCM) correction of the targets and motion error compensation of platforrn in high resolution airborne SAR data processing. The motion error of platforrn is divided into space-invariant component and space-variant component. Then the paper proposes an approach of combining RCM correction and platform MOCO using transfer function of airborne SAR system and Scaled Fourier Transform algorithm. The data simulation results verify the validity of the new method.
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Zheng Wei-ping , Zhang Qiu-ling , Feng Hong-chuan , Wang Yan-fei. Airborne SAR Motion Compensation Based on SCFT Processing Algorithm[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2005, 27(9): 1375-1378.
Zheng Wei-ping , Zhang Qiu-ling , Feng Hong-chuan , Wang Yan-fei. Airborne SAR Motion Compensation Based on SCFT Processing Algorithm[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2005, 27(9): 1375-1378.