Bao Changchun, Dai Yisong, Fan Changxin. A REAL-TIME IMPLEMENTATION OF 4.2Kb/s CELP SPEECH CODING[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1997, 19(1): 50-55.
Bao Changchun, Dai Yisong, Fan Changxin. A REAL-TIME IMPLEMENTATION OF 4.2Kb/s CELP SPEECH CODING[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1997, 19(1): 50-55.
Bao Changchun, Dai Yisong, Fan Changxin. A REAL-TIME IMPLEMENTATION OF 4.2Kb/s CELP SPEECH CODING[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1997, 19(1): 50-55.
Bao Changchun, Dai Yisong, Fan Changxin. A REAL-TIME IMPLEMENTATION OF 4.2Kb/s CELP SPEECH CODING[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1997, 19(1): 50-55.
This paper presents a real-time implementation of 4.2Kb/s CELP speech coding on single DSP. An algorithm reducing search complexity for adaptive codebook is suggested, the solving method, which changes a parameter into LSP parameter, is discussed. The real-tune implementation procedure of this coding on a commercial development board with a single TMS320C30 is discribed.
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Bao Changchun, Dai Yisong, Fan Changxin. A REAL-TIME IMPLEMENTATION OF 4.2Kb/s CELP SPEECH CODING[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1997, 19(1): 50-55.
Bao Changchun, Dai Yisong, Fan Changxin. A REAL-TIME IMPLEMENTATION OF 4.2Kb/s CELP SPEECH CODING[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1997, 19(1): 50-55.