Wu Jianqiang, Liu Shenggang, Mo Yuanlong. PLASMA-FILLED DIELECTRIC CHERENKOV MASER WITH A LONGITUDINAL MAGNETIC FIELD[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1996, 18(3): 304-309.
Wu Jianqiang, Liu Shenggang, Mo Yuanlong. PLASMA-FILLED DIELECTRIC CHERENKOV MASER WITH A LONGITUDINAL MAGNETIC FIELD[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1996, 18(3): 304-309.
Wu Jianqiang, Liu Shenggang, Mo Yuanlong. PLASMA-FILLED DIELECTRIC CHERENKOV MASER WITH A LONGITUDINAL MAGNETIC FIELD[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1996, 18(3): 304-309.
Wu Jianqiang, Liu Shenggang, Mo Yuanlong. PLASMA-FILLED DIELECTRIC CHERENKOV MASER WITH A LONGITUDINAL MAGNETIC FIELD[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1996, 18(3): 304-309.
The use of a background plasma in a dielectric Cherenkov maser can effectively increase the efficiency and the microwave power output of the device. Here, the effect of the longitudinal uniform magnetic field on the wave-beam interaction of the plasma dielectric Cherenkov maser is examined by solving the beam-plasma, dielectric lined waveguide dispersion equation. And the effects of the longitudinal magnetic field, plasma density and dielectric parameters on the linear spatial growth rate and the energy ratio are presented.
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